CZ:Biology Workgroup

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Workgroups are no longer used for group communications, but they still are used to group articles into fields of interest. Each article is assigned to 1-3 Workgroups via the article's Metadata.

Biology banner.png
Biology article All articles (1,623) To Approve (0) Editors: active (1) / inactive (46)
Authors: active (441) / inactive (0)
Workgroup Discussion
Recent changes Citable Articles (25)
Subgroups (12.5)
Checklist-generated categories:

Subpage categories:

Missing subpage categories:

Article statuses:

The Biology Workgroup will organize and coordinate efforts to create and improve articles relating to Biology. If you are interested in participating, you may add yourself to Category:Biology Authors, then simply dive in and begin contributing!

Please note that information below may be out-of-date.

How you can help

Please participate in the Naming conventions discussion. There is an online poll here. Also look at the proposal from Noel of separating pagenames (i.e. location) and article names (i.e. title). See the forum thread here for more details (read the whole thread for context). There is also a comprehensive blog post on the matter.

Proposed subgroups

The organisation we inherited from Wikipedia is subdivided into disciplines within biology, however, we do not have to follow such a format. We can move forward with subgroups that seem more natural, and I imagine some subgroups will include several related disciplines. We can discuss this more on the subgroups thread, in the biology forum, as we reach a critical mass of editors and authors.

Relevant lists and headers from Wikipedia are shown at the bottom of this section. Also, the list of high priority articles in the next section are currently categorized by discipline.

Core articles

Core articles are those that are as-yet unwritten and so should be prioritised. Please start articles on the topics below. Click here to edit this transcluded list.




Cell Biology

Developmental Biology




Molecular Biology




Click on the [r] after the first definition below to edit this list of transcluded subtopics.

History of biology


Other related topics


Tree of life

Classification of man

The cell





Life cycle



High priority articles

This list of articles is not complete but it can be used as a starting point for writing new articles or focus our efforts towards getting more articles approved. Articles in bold are regarded as a higher priority. Those struck through are considered as low priority.


Level0.jpg (Approved)  Level1.jpg (Status 1)   Level2.jpg (Status 2)   Level3.jpg (Status 3)   Level4.jpg (External)

Example article1 Approval button.png (Nominated for approval)     Example article2 Approval button.png (Nominated for reapproval)


  1. Stub Biography
  2. Charles Darwin
  3. Walter Bradford Cannon
  4. Stub Francis Crick
  5. Richard Dawkins
  6. Theodosius Dobzhansky
  7. R. A. Fisher
  8. J. B. S. Haldane
  9. William Harvey
  10. Robert Hooke
  11. Bernard Katz
  12. John Lindley
  13. Carolus Linnaeus
  14. Konrad Lorenz
  15. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
  16. Marcello Malpighi
  17. Ernst Mayr
  18. Barbara McClintock
  19. Gregor Mendel
  20. Stub Louis Pasteur
  21. Alfred Russel Wallace
  22. James D. Watson
  23. E. O. Wilson
  24. Sewall Wright
  25. Vesalius
  26. Rosalind Franklin


  1. Anatomy
  2. Stub Histology
  3. Circulatory system
    1. Stub Blood
    2. Heart
  4. Endocrine system
    1. Gland
    2. Immune system
  5. Gastrointestinal tract
    1. Large intestine
    2. Small intestine
    3. Stub Liver
  6. Integumentary system
    1. Breast
    2. Stub Skin
  7. Stub Nervous system
    1. Brain
    2. Spinal cord
    3. Peripheral nervous system
  8. Sensory system
    1. Stub Auditory system
      1. Ear
    2. Gustatory system
    3. Olfactory system
      1. Nose
    4. Somatosensory system
    5. Visual system
      1. Stub Eye
  9. Reproductive system
    1. Stub Penis
    2. Stub Vagina
  10. Respiratory system
    1. Lung
  11. Skeleton


  1. Stub Biochemistry
  2. Macromolecules
    1. Stub Nucleic acid
      1. DNA
      2. RNA
    2. Protein
      1. Enzyme
      2. Amino acid
      3. Stub Peptide
    3. Carbohydrate
    4. Lipid
  3. Metabolism
    1. Glycolysis
      1. NAD
    2. Krebs cycle
      1. FAD
    3. Electron transport chain
    4. Photosynthesis
    5. Intermediary metabolism


  1. Stub Biophysics
  2. Biofilms
  3. Stub Biomechanics
    1. Molecular motor
    2. Muscle
    3. Organogenesis
  4. Biomineralisation
    1. Fossil
    2. Skeleton
  5. Stub Bionics
  6. Biophysical techniques
    1. Confocal microscopy
    2. CT
    3. Dielectric spectroscopy
    4. Stub ECG
    5. EEG
    6. Infrared spectroscopy
    7. MEG
    8. Stub MRI
    9. Stub Microscope
    10. NMR spectroscopy
    11. Optical tweezers
    12. Stub Patch clamp
    13. PET
    14. TMS
    15. Ultrasound
    16. X-ray
  7. Cell
    1. Cell membrane
      1. Stub Ion channel
      2. Membrane potential
      3. Phospholipid
    2. Cell metabolism
      1. Kinetics
      2. Metabolic control theory
    3. Cell signalling
      1. Cell differentiation
      2. Immune system
    4. Cell migration
  8. Cryptobiosis
    1. Cryobiology
      1. Stub Cryopreservation
      2. Cold hardiness
    2. Dehydration
  9. Homeostasis
  10. Locomotion
  11. Radiobiology
  12. Stub Signal transduction
    1. Cell signalling
    2. Stub Hormones
    3. Stub Nervous system
    4. Sensory system
  13. Systems biology
  14. Theoretical biology
  15. Thermodynamics


  1. Stub Botany
  2. Fungus
    1. Yeast
  3. Plant
    1. Angiosperm
      1. Eudicotyledon
        1. Arabidopsis thaliana
        2. Stub Tobacco
        3. Oak
      2. Monocotyledon
        1. Maize
        2. Rice
        3. Barley
    2. Bryophyte
      1. Liverwort
      2. Stub Moss
    3. Fern
    4. Gymnosperm
  4. Plant anatomy
    1. Leaf
    2. Flower
      1. Petal
    3. Root
    4. Stem
    5. Plant tissues
      1. parenchyma
      2. collenchyma
      3. sclerenchyma
      4. epidermis
        1. guard cell
        2. stomate (plural: stomata)
        3. trichome
        4. root hair
      5. xylem article could merge together the subcategories
        1. vessel element
        2. tracheid
      6. phloem article could merge together the subcategories
        1. sieve tube cell
        2. companion cell
  5. Plant physiology
    1. Dehiscence
    2. Flower induction
    3. Nitrogen assimilation
    4. Plant senescence
    5. Wilting
      1. Plasmolysis
    6. Plant hormones
      1. Abscisic acid
      2. Auxin
      3. Brassinosteroid
      4. Cytokinin
      5. Ethylene
      6. Gibberellin
  6. Plant behavior
    1. Gravitropism
    2. Heliotropism
    3. Phototropism
    4. Thigmotropism

Cell biology

  1. Cell biology
  2. Cell
  3. Stub Cell division
  4. Stub Cell nucleus
  5. Cell wall
  6. Cell membrane
  7. Cell metabolism
  8. Cytoplasm
  9. Cytoskeleton
  10. Flagellum
  11. Stub Organelles
    1. Stub Chloroplast
    2. Mitochondrion
    3. Endoplasmic reticulum
    4. Stub Golgi apparatus
    5. Vacuole
    6. Ribosome

Developmental biology

  1. Developmental biology
  2. Cellular differentiation
  3. Stem cell
  4. Cancer
  5. Descriptive embryology


  1. Ecology
  2. Stub Habitat
  3. Stub Population
  4. Metapopulation
  5. Community (ecology)
  6. Ecosystem
  7. Stub Landscape
  8. Biome
  9. Species
  10. Biodiversity
  11. Biogeography
    1. Island Biogeography
  12. Biological dispersal
  13. Ecological succession
  14. Symbiosis
  15. Stub Food web

Evolutionary biology

  1. Evolutionary biology
  2. Evolution
    1. Evidence of evolution
    2. Stub macroevolution
    3. microevolution
  3. Natural selection
  4. Gene flow
  5. Adaptation
  6. Speciation
  7. EvoDevo


  1. Genetics
  2. Classical genetics
    1. Mendelian inheritance
    2. Mutation
  3. Clinical genetics
    1. Genetic counseling
  4. Ecological genetics
  5. Molecular genetics
  6. Population genetics
    1. selection
    2. genetic drift
    3. gene flow
  7. Quantitative genetics


  1. Microbiology
  2. Archaea
  3. Bacteria

Molecular biology

  1. Molecular biology
  2. Stub Polymerase chain reaction
  3. Gel electrophoresis
  4. Stub Southern blot
  5. Northern blot
  6. Stub Restriction enzyme
  7. Stub Western blot


  1. Neuroscience
  2. Behaviour
  3. Brain
  4. Spinal cord
  5. Intelligence
  6. Stub Nervous system
  7. Stub Neuron
  8. Neural development
  9. Neuroanatomy
  10. Stub Neurochemistry
  11. Synapse


  1. Physiology
  2. Digestion
  3. Excretion
  4. Biological reproduction
  5. Stub Hormone
    1. Stub Pregnancy
    2. Stub Asexual reproduction
    3. Sexual reproduction
  6. Respiration (physiology)

Systems biology


  1. Taxonomy
  2. Cladistics
  3. Stub Systematics
  4. Tree of life


  1. Virology
  2. Bacteriophage
  3. DNA virus
  4. RNA virus
  5. Viral diseases
    1. AIDS
    2. SARS
    3. Chicken Pox & Shingles (Varicella)


  1. Stub Zoology
  2. Stub Protist
  3. Animal
    1. Arthropod
      1. Insect
        1. Stub Ant
        2. Bee
        3. Beetle
        4. Butterfly
      2. Arachnid
    2. Chordate
      1. Amphibian
        1. Frog
      2. Fish
        1. Shark
      3. Stub Mammal
        1. Ape
          1. Stub Human
        2. Bat
        3. Bear
        4. Camel
        5. Cat
        6. Cattle
        7. The Dog Family
          1. Dog
          2. Wolf
          3. Grey Wolf
        8. Dolphin
        9. Elephant
          1. Mammoth
        10. Horse
        11. Sheep
        12. Lion
        13. Pig
        14. Whale
      4. Stub Reptile
        1. Dinosaur
          1. Stub Bird
            1. Eagle
            2. Duck
            3. Chicken
            4. Stub Owl
            5. Dove
            6. Turkey
            7. Ostrich
            8. Penguin
        2. Snake

Core articles list

A list of core articles has been adapted from the high priority articles above at CZ:Core_Articles/Biology. These are articles that we deem vital to get the biology section going. Please add to and delete from that list but try to keep it focused to key articles rather than being a comprehensive collection. For a more comprehensive list see CZ:Biology_Workgroup/list or CZ:Biology_Workgroup/concepts.

Tree-of-life subgroup

A major part of the articles in the biology workgroup can be categorized under the concept of Tree of Life. All article about a species, genus or any other taxonomic level are part of this subgroup.

Naming convention

To be decided. Online poll is here. Also look at the proposal from Noel of separating pagenames (i.e. location) and article names (i.e. title). See the forum thread here for more details (read the whole thread for context).


  • If page address and page title are not required to be identical

  • If page address and page title are required to be identical
1. Only common name: "Giant Panda"
Example: The giant panda (Scientific name Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a species of bear...
Pros: May be more user friendly, as most users are unfamiliar with the scientific name.
Cons: Lacks consistency, as there are no common names for some organisms. Also, if a bot is eventually used to fill out taxoboxes, it requires that the scientific name always redirect to the common name, which may not always be the case.
2. Only scientific name: "Ailuropoda melanoleuca"
Example: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, commonly known as the giant panda, is a species of bear...
Pros: More suited to bot farming of taxonomy. Avoids confusion where a common name doesn't exactly line up with a taxonomic division.
Cons: Less user friendly – would require redirects from the common name, as few users know the scientific name.
3. Both names, scientific one in parentheses: "Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)"
Example: The Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a species of bear...
Pros: Includes all information in title. This presentation of the information is fairly standard, so it is likely that users will recognize that the information in parentheses is the scientific name.
Cons: Name is long. Would require redirects from the common name, as few users know the scientific name. Poorly suited to bot farming of taxonomy. Also, the page will have to be moved if the common name OR the scientific name is changed.
4. Both names, common one in parentheses: "Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Giant Panda)"
Example: Ailuropoda melanoleuca (giant panda) is a species of bear...
Pros: Includes all information in title.
Cons: Name is long. Would require redirects from the common name, as few users know the scientific name. Poorly suited to bot farming of taxonomy. Also, the page will have to be moved if the common name OR the scientific name is changed.


Taxoboxes facilitate the navigation through the Tree-of-Life and each taxon is required to have one using the Template:Taxobox.

Major topics from wikipedia biology portal

General Life | species | biology
Ecology Biomass | food chain | indicator species | extinction | habitat | species distribution | Gaia theory
Conservation Biodiversity | biodiversity hotspot | nature reserve | edge effect | Allee effect | corridor | fragmentation | pollution | invasive species | in situ - ex situ | seedbank | environmental economics
Evolution Natural selection | genetic drift | sexual selection | speciation | mutation | gene flow
Tree of life Animals | plants | fungi | protists | bacteria | archaea | prokaryote | eukaryote | three-domain system | angiosperms | insects | nematodes | viruses
Development Tissues | fertilization | embryogenesis | gastrulation | neurulation | organogenesis | differentiation | morphogenesis | metamorphosis | ontogeny
Life cycle reproduction | ploidy | spermatogenesis | alternation of generations | oogenesis | parasitism | evolution of sex | meiosis | DNA replication
The cell Cell wall | cell membrane | cytoskeleton | mitochondrion | chloroplast | nucleus | endoplasmic reticulum | Golgi apparatus | cell cycle | mitosis | metabolism | cell signaling | protein targeting
Biochemistry DNA | RNA | protein | enzyme | protein folding | carbohydrate | lipid | glycolysis | citric acid cycle | electron transport chain | oxidative phosphorylation | photosynthesis | protein structure
Genetics Gene | genome | karyotype | transcription | translation | recombination | chromosome | Mendelian inheritance | phenotype | genotype | epigenetics | splicing | mutation | genetic fingerprint | chromatin | classical genetics | ecological genetics | molecular genetics | population genetics | quantitative genetics
Techniques Genetic engineering | transformation | gel electrophoresis | chromatography | centrifugation | cell culture | DNA sequencing | DNA microarray | green flourescent protein | vector | Enzyme assay | Protein purification | Western blot | Northern blot | Southern blot | restriction enzyme | polymerase chain reaction | two-hybrid screening
Other fields Anatomy | astrobiology | botany | bioengineering | bioinformatics | human biology | microbiology | origin of life | paleontology | parasitology | pathology  | pharmacology | phylogenetics | physiology | marine biology | systems biology | taxonomy | zoology
Classification of man Primate | mammal | vertebrate | craniata | chordate | deuterostome | animal
History of biology Natural history | geography | ecology | molecular biology | evolutionary biology | Great Chain of Being


See also Category:Technical_Help