
Original file (6,205 × 8,066 pixels, file size: 5.57 MB, MIME type: image/jpeg)
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Dorothea Lange: Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California
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Photographer |
creator QS:P170,Q230673 |
Title | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Part of |
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Public Domain Photographs (NAID 195301) ![]() |
Series title |
Migrant Mother series ![]() |
Object type |
photograph / work of art ![]() |
Genre |
portrait photography ![]() |
Description |
English: Portrait shows Florence Thompson with several of her children in a photograph known as "Migrant Mother". The Library of Congress caption reads: "Destitute pea pickers in California. Mother of seven children. Age thirty-two. Nipomo, California." In the 1930s, the FSA employed several photographers to document the effects of the Great Depression on the population of America. Many of the photographs can also be seen as propaganda images to support the U.S. government's policy distributing support to the worst affected, poorer areas of the country. Lange's image of a supposed migrant pea picker, Florence Owens Thompson, and her family has become an icon of resilience in the face of adversity. However, it is not universally accepted that Florence Thompson was a migrant pea picker. In the book Photographing Farmworkers in California (Stanford University Press, 2004), author Richard Steven Street asserts that some scholars believe Lange's description of the print was "either vague or demonstrably inaccurate" and that Thompson was not a farmworker, but a Dust Bowl migrant. Nevertheless, if she was a "Dust Bowl migrant", she would have left a farm as most potential Dust Bowl migrants typically did and then began her life as such. Thus any potential inaccuracy is virtually irrelevant. The child to the viewer's right was Thompson's daughter, Katherine (later Katherine McIntosh), 4 years old (Leonard, Tom, "Woman whose plight defined Great Depression warns tragedy will happen again ", article, The Daily Telegraph, December 4, 2008)
Lange took this photograph with a Graflex camera on large format (4"x5") negative film.[1] Español: Madre migrante, foto de Dorothea Lange, muestra a los desposeídos cosechadores de California, centrándose en Florence Owens Thompson, de 32 años, madre de 7 hijos, en Nipomo, California (marzo de 1936). Français : Portrait de Florence Owens Thompson avec plusieurs de ses enfants connu sous le titre Migrant Mother (Mère migrante), et prise par Dorothea Lange en Californie (États-Unis), en 1936. La légende originale était "Ramasseurs de pois ruinés en Californie. Mère de sept enfants, âgée de 32 ans." Selon des études ultérieures cette femme n'était pas ramasseuse de pois, mais une fermière fuyant le Dust Bowl. Elle fait partie d'une série de photographies commandées par la Farm Security Administration pour convaincre le peuple américain de la nécessité de réformes du New Deal suite à la Grande Dépression de 1929 aux États-Unis Italiano: Foto intitolata Migrant Mother, scattata da Dorothea Lange nel 1936 in California, che inquadra Florence Thompson con alcuni dei suoi sette figli, uno dei simboli della depressione economica statunitense negli anni '30. Português: Migrant Mother, Dorothea Lange, Estados Unidos, 1936 Русский: Семья сборщиков гороха в период кризиса. Фото Доротеи Ланге. עברית : תמונה זו מכונה "אם נודדת" ובה נראית פלורנס אוונס תומפסון (Florence Owens Thompson; 1903–1983), כשעל כתפיה שעונות שתי בנות והיא אוחזת בחיקה תינוקת. בטקסט המתאר את התמונה בספרית הקונגרס נכתב כך: "קוטפי אפונה נואשים בקליפורניה. אם לשבעה ילדים. בת שלושים ושתים." בשנות ה-30 של המאה ה-20 שרות הרווחה של הממשל הפדרלי בארה"ב העסיק כמה צלמים כדי לתעד את השפעת המשבר הגדול על התושבים. רבים מהצילומים מתקופה זו יכולים להיחשב גם כמעין תעמולה של הממשל, שתמך באוכלוסיה שנפגעה ביותר מהמשבר, באזורים העניים ביותר בארה"ב. הצלמת היא דורותי לנג. התמונה הפכה לסמל של יכולת העמידה האנושית נוכח המשבר הקשה. العربية : تُظهر الصُورة فلورنسا طومسون مع عدد من أطفالها، وتعرف الصُورة باسم "الأم المُهاجرة" (Migrant Mother)، نظراً لأنَّ فلورنسا قد نزحت مع أطفالها السبعة من نيبومو في كاليفورنيا، أثناء فترة الكساد الكبير، والصورة مُلتقطة في مارس 1936.
في فترة الكساد الكبير وظفت هيئة الرقابة المالية عدد من المصورين لتوثيق آثار الكساد على سكان أمريكا،فقامت المصورة دوروثي لانج بالتقاط هذه الصورة، حيثُ أصبحت فلورنسا طومسون وأطفالها رمزاً للصمود في مواجهة الشدائد. |
Depicted people |
Florence Owens Thompson ![]() |
Date | 6 March 1936 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Medium | 1 negative : nitrate | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dimensions |
height: 5 cm (1.9 in); width: 4 cm (1.5 in) dimensions QS:P2048,5U174728 dimensions QS:P2049,4U174728 |
Collection |
institution QS:P195,Q131454 |
Accession number |
Place of creation |
United States ![]() |
Notes |
Title from caption card.
References |
Authority file | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Source |
Permission (Reusing this file) |
Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other versions |
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This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 24 February 2008. It was captioned as follows: English: Destitute pea pickers in California, mother of seven children, age thirty-two, in the 1930s. Other languages:
Afrikaans: Florence Owens Thompson, die 32-jarige moeder van sewe kinders, is die onderwerp van die foto Migrantemoeder (Dorothea Lange, 1936), 'n toonbeeld van die Amerikaanse Groot Depressie Asturianu: La semeya nomada Migrant Mother durante la Gran Depresión, amosando a Florence Owens Thompson, recoyedora d'arbeyos, 32 años y madre de siete críos, en Nipono California, marzu de 1936. Bosanski: Siromašni berači graška, majka sedmoro djece, 32 godine, 1930-ih u Kaliforniji. Čeština: Dorothea Langeová: Migrant Mother („Vandrující matka“); fotografie zobrazuje Florence Thompsonovou, matku sedmi dětí, v době hospodářské krize v 30. letech 20. století Dansk: Immigrantmoderen, foto af Dorothea Lange. Florence Owens Thompson, 32 år, mor til 7 børn i en fattig familie af ferskenplukkere i Nipomo, Californien (marts 1936, under depressionen i USA). Deutsch: Migrant Mother von Dorothea Lange zeigt eine 32-jährige Mutter (Florence Thompson) von 7 Kindern in Nipomo, Kalifornien, 1936. English: Destitute pea pickers in California, mother of seven children, age thirty-two, in the 1930s. Español: Madre migrante, foto de Dorothea Lange. Muestra a los desposeídos cosechadores de arvejas de California, centrándose en Florence Owens Thompson, de 32 años, madre de 7 hijos, en Nipomo, California (marzo de 1936). Euskara: Kaliforniako ilar-jasotzaile behartsuak. Irudikoa 32 urteko Florence Owens Thompson da, 7 semeen ama, Nipomon, Kalifornia, 1936ko martxoan. Français : Ramasseurs de pois licenciés en Californie, dans les années 1930. Mère de sept enfants, 32 ans. Íslenska: Ljósmyndin Flökkumóðir (e. Migrant Mother) eftir Dorotheu Lange sýnir baunatínslukonuna Florence Owens Thompson, þrjátíu og tveggja ára, með tveimur af sjö börnum sínum í Nipono, Kaliforníu á tímum Heimskreppunnar 1936. Italiano: Migrant Mother, Dorothea Lange, 1936. Lietuvių: Skurstanti žirnių rinkėja Kalifornijoje, septynių vaikų ir trisdešimt dviejų metų motina 1930 Magyar: Florence Thompson, 32 éves, hétgyermekes anya (Nipomo, Kalifornia - Dorothea Lange fotója, USA, 1936) Nederlands: Florence Owens Thompson, de 32-jarige moeder van zeven kinderen, die het onderwerp vormt van de foto Migrantenmoeder (Dorothea Lange, 1936), een toonbeeld van de Amerikaanse Grote Depressie Polski: Zdjęcie trzydziestodwuletniej kobiety zajmującej się zbieraniem grochu, matki siedmiorga dzieci. Kalifornia, USA, lata 30. XX wieku. Português: Fotografia Migrant Mother durante a Grande Depressão, mostrando Florence Owens Thompson, mãe de sete crianças, de 32 anos de idade, em Nipono, Califórnia, março de 1936. Română: „Mama-imigrantă” — fotografie a unei femei de 32 ani imigrată în California anilor '30. Svenska: Migrant Mother av Dorothea Lange, ett porträtt av en fattig kvinna i Kalifornien under depressionen i USA på 1930-talet. Беларуская: «Вандроўная маці» (здымак Даратэі Ланге, сакавік 1936), партрэт 32-гадовай маці 7 дзяцей, без сродкаў да існавання (штат Каліфорнія). Русский: Мать-иммигрантка. 32-летняя мать семи детей в Калифорнии в 1930-е годы. Српски / srpski: Migrant Mother, фотографија-икона Велике депресије, на којој је приказана Флоренс Томпсон, тридесетдвогодишња мајка седморо деце. Назив фотографије у Конгресној библиотеци је „Сиромашни берачи грашка". Українська: Мати-імігрантка. 32-річна мати сімох дітей в Каліфорнії в 1930-ті роки в час «Великої депресії». 中文(繁體): 美國攝影師桃樂絲·蘭格在1936年拍攝的作品《移民的母親》 |
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This image was selected as picture of the day on Vietnamese Wikipedia.
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Deutsch: Dieses Bild war 2010 in der 1. Kalenderwoche das Bild der Woche in der Malaysischen Wikipedia
English: This image was selected as a picture of the week on the Malay Wikipedia for the 1st week, 2010.
Македонски: Сликава е избрана за слика на неделата на малајската Википедија за I недела од 2010 година.
Bahasa Melayu: Imej ini merupakan gambar pilihan mingguan di Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu untuk minggu ke-1, 2010.
Français : Cette image est sélectionnée en tant qu'image de la semaine sur la Wikipédia Malaisienne pour la 1ème semaine de 2010.
Italiano: Questa immagine è stata selezionata come Immagine della settimana su Wikipedia in malese per la I settimana del 2010.
Nederlands: Deze afbeelding is gekozen als afbeelding van de week op de Maleisische Wikipedia voor week 1 van 2010.
Русский: Эта иллюстрация была выбрана изображением недели в малайском разделе «Википедии» для недели номер 1 2010 года.
Українська: Ця ілюстрація була вибрана зображенням тижня в малайському розділі «Вікіпедії» для тижня номер 1, 2010 року.
Tiếng Việt: Hình này đã được chọn làm hình ảnh của tuần trên Wikipedia tiếng Mã Lai trong tuần thứ 1, năm 2010.
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This image was selected as picture of the day on Bengali Wikipedia.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse |
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This image is a work of an employee of the United States Farm Security Administration or Office of War Information domestic photographic units, taken as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain in the United States. See Copyright. | ![]() |
- ↑ United States Government. Dorothea Lange's "Migrant Mother": Photographs in the Farm Security Administration Collection: An Overview. Prints and Photographs Reading Room. Library of Congress, United States Goverment.
Items portrayed in this file
File history
Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
Date/Time | Thumbnail | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 19:21, 29 June 2017 | ![]() | 6,205 × 8,066 (5.57 MB) | imagescommonswiki>Firebrace | Restoring detail lost in the previous edit. |
File usage
The following file is a duplicate of this file (more details):
- File:Lange-MigrantMother02.jpg from Wikimedia Commons
There are no pages that use this file.
This file contains additional information, probably added from the digital camera or scanner used to create or digitize it.
If the file has been modified from its original state, some details may not fully reflect the modified file.
Width | 6,205 px |
Height | 8,066 px |
Pixel composition | Black and white (Black is 0) |
Orientation | Normal |
Number of components | 4 |
Horizontal resolution | 28.3465 dpi |
Vertical resolution | 28.3465 dpi |
Software used | Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows) |
File change date and time | 01:15, 30 June 2017 |
Exif version | 2.21 |
Color space | Uncalibrated |
Date and time of digitizing | 10:21, 25 May 2005 |
Date metadata was last modified | 02:15, 30 June 2017 |
Unique ID of original document | adobe:docid:photoshop:066d27e6-ccf6-11d9-8080-fe9945178dbd |
Copyright status | Copyright status not set |
IIM version | 34,352 |