Talk:Bowling (cricket): Difference between revisions

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imported>John Leach
m (John Leach moved page Talk:Underarm bowling incident of 1981 to Talk:Underarm bowling (cricket): merge into coverage of the whole subject area)
imported>John Leach
m (John Leach moved page Talk:Underarm bowling (cricket) to Talk:Bowling (cricket): no sense in splitting bowling this way)

Revision as of 07:33, 11 November 2018

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 Definition In cricket, the act of delivering the ball from one end of the pitch to the other. The player who performs delivery is the bowler and his target is the wicket defended by a batsman at the other end of the pitch. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Sports [Categories OK]
 Subgroup category:  Cricket
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English