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The '''Great Depression in the United States''' of America  was  part of an international economic crisis that was longer and deeper than any that have happened before or since. It  had a profoundly damaging effect upon welfare and morale  of the people of the United States, depriving many of jobs, homes and savings, creating widespread poverty, and destroying a previous mood of optimism. It started eleven years after the end of the [[First World War]] and was not  over until the outset of the [[Second World War]].

Its effect upon many Americans was reflected in a popular song of the time that include the lines:

'''Links and subpages'''
:''They used to tell me I was building a dream...''<br>
:''For an annotated chronology of the main events, see the [[/Timelines|Timelines subpage]];''
:''once I built a railroad; now it's done ...''<br>
:''brother, can you spare a dime?''<br>
::"Brother, Can You Spare a Dime," lyrics by Yip Harburg, music by Jay Gorney (1931)[]  

:'' for an article about events in the United States and elsewhere, see the article on the [[Great Depression]];''
The causes of that international disaster are discussed in the article on the [[Great Depression]].
The following  article provides only a factual account of what happened to the American economy and to the American people. 

:'' for a summary of the relevant economic statistics, see the  [[/Tutorials |Tutorials subpage]];''

:'' for definitions of terms shown in italics see the [[/Related Articles|Glossary]].''
::::::::::''For an annotated chronology of the main events, see the [[/Timelines|Timelines subpage]];''<br>
::::::::::'' for associated  international developments  see the article on the [[Great Depression]];''<br>
::::::::::'' for a summary of the relevant US economic statistics, see the  [[/Tutorials |Tutorials subpage]];''<br>
::::::::::'' for definitions of terms shown in italics see the [[/Related Articles|Glossary]].''

==Summary of events==

rejoined the gold standard in 1919 and left it and devalued its currency in 1933
==Background (1918 - 23)==
The condition of the United States  in the 1920s differed markedly from its pre-war condition. The wartime destruction of much of Europe's productive capacity had made it the richest country in the world, and Europe's  wartime borrowing had made the United States the largest creditor.

On an index of 1928 = 100, wholesale prices fell to 61 in 1933; and industrial production rose to 115  in 1929, fell to 55 in 1932 and did not return to 1928 levels until 1936
After the end of the war, the full convertibility of the dollar into gold under the [[gold standard]] which  had been suspended during the war, was immediately resumed. The shock of the ending of wartime production led to a minor recession that was followed by a resumption of strong output growth. A few years later there occurred  severest bout of deflation ever experienced in the United States  when wholesale prices fell by 56% in a little over a year,  following an attempt to end wartime inflation by a tightening of the federal budget, and sharp reduction in the ''monetary base''. <ref name=Friedman> Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz, ''A Monetary History of the United States 1867-1960'' (Princeton University Press for NBER, 1963), 289.</ref>

The Great Depression had a significant impact on the economy and people of the [[United States]] and began to fully affect the country late in 1930 and early in 1931. The official beginning and ending dates for the economic decline according to the National Beureau of Economic Research were from September of 1929 to March of 1933. At the depth of the downturn, the unemployment rate exceeded 20% and the index of industrial production dropped about 50%. Real or inflation/deflation adjusted gross domestic product ("GDP") grew rapidly after 1933 and surpassed the 1929 high by 1936. There was also a decline or recession from June of 1937 through June of 1938, but real GDP remained above the 1929 high. Employment was much slower to recover. The number of non farm jobs did not surpass the 1929 high until 1939 and the number of total jobs did not surpass the 1929 high until 1941. President [[Herbert Hoover]] was widely blamed, and he was defeated in 1932 by [[Franklin D. Roosevelt]].  Roosevelt launched a [[New Deal]] designed to provide emergency relief to upwards of a third of the population, to recover the economy to normal levels, and to reform failed parts of the economic system.  Although F.D.R. reduced unemployment by over 5 million in his first term <ref name=>[ CRAMER, Hartmut. ''F.D.R.’s 'New Deal': An Example of American System Economics''.<small>This speech opened the third panel of the conference, “On the Subject of Startegic Method, in Bad Schwalbach, Germany on May 28, 2000. Footnotes have been added.</small>]</ref> relatively high unemployment lingered until the early 1940s.
In 1921 [[Warren Harding]] became President and pushed through a program of tax reductions, farming subsidies, tariffs and immigration restrictions.

In 1923, a committee appointed by Herbert Hoover (then Commerce Secretary)  published a 300-page report on the subject of recessions and the associated unemployment.<ref name=Hoover>Committee of the President's Conference on Unemployment, ''Business Cycles and Unemployment'',  (McGraw Hill, 1923).</ref>  The committee had regarded it as inevitable that every boom would be followed by a slump.  It had considered how a future boom could be restrained and how the following downturn could be countered.  Among its recommendations were the postponement of commercial and public investment projects from times of expansion to times of contraction and the control of banks' credit expansion.  Although Hoover endorsed those recommendations at the time, he subsequently proposed severe limits upon the government's ability to act upon them.  He said&mdash;at the depth of the depression&mdash;that there should be "... no tampering or inflation of the currency," that the budget should be "unquestionably balanced, even if further taxation is necessary," and that "the government credit [should] be maintained by refusal to exhaust it in the issue of securities."  Later, John Kenneth Galbraith understood these policies to amount to the rejection of both fiscal policy and monetary policy actions in face of a depression.<ref>John Kenneth Galbraith, ''The Great Crash 1929'' (Penguin Books, 1992).</ref>

Monetary policy in the 1920s was dominated by [[Benjamin Strong]], a participant in the creation of the [[Federal Reserve System]] and first governor of the [[Federal Reserve Bank of New York]].  Strong maintained a close relationship with [[Montague Norman]] of the [[Bank of England]] who was most interested in recovering the British financial strength following the First World War.  In 1924, Strong supported the British pound by lowering U.S. interest rates, which by making the dollar less attractive and the pound sterling more attractive to investors, drove up the foreign exchange value of the British currency and facilitated Britain's return to the gold standard.  In 1927, Strong forced through the Federal Reserve System a decrease in the discount rate from 4 to 3 percent which is quoted to have called "un petit coup de whisky for the stock exchange."  This appeared to have been influenced by the previous Long Island meeting of central bankers of Great Britain, the United States, France, and Germany to discuss means of strengthening Britain's gold reserves and of the general European currency situation.<ref>Priscilla Roberts, "[;col1 Benjamin Strong, the Federal Reserve, and the Limits to Interwar American Nationalism: Part II: Strong and the Federal Reserve System in the 1920s]," ''Economic Quarterly&ndash;Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond'', Spring 2000.</ref>

==Boom (1923 - 29==
Following the election of Calvin Coolidge to  the Presidency, the mid-1920s came to be known as the "Coolidge Prosperity". Having declared that "the chief business of the American people is business"  the President  persuaded  Congress to give  private business  substantial encouragement, including construction loans, profitable mail-carrying contracts and other indirect subsidies <ref>[ "War, Prosperity and Depression", Chapter 9, ''An outline of American History'', The United States Information Agency 2008]</ref>. America experienced rapid increases in mass production and mass consumption, turning it into the richest society in the world. It saw the birth of what came to be known as the "American Dream" - a "dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" <ref> James Truslow Adams: ''The Epic of America'', Little Brown & Co, 1931</ref> and became a modern middle-class economy of radios, consumer appliances, automobiles and suburbs with about  one American in five owning a motor vehicle.  It  also became a land of great inequality, with the richest one percent of U.S. households holding an estimated 45 percent of national wealth,
<ref>[ Bradford De Long: "The Roaring Twenties", ''Economic History of the United States'' Chapter XII, 1997]</ref>. Hire-purchase became increasingly popular <ref>[ Sharon Murphy: "The Advertising of Installment Plans" in ''Essays in History'', Vol 37, The Corcoran Department of History at the University of Virginia, 1995]</ref>, and an increase in the use of stockbrokers' ''margin accounts'' for the purchase of stocks. Holidays in the Florida sun were growing in popularity, plots were being assigned to anyone able to pay a 10 per cent deposit and land prices were driven up initially by a growth in demand by prospective builders, but later by speculators; creating a "bubble" that finally burst, with a collapse of land prices, in 1926.
==Slump (1929-31)==
The boom in economic activity continued in the following years and is believed to have intensified after the 1927 monetary relaxation and it was then accompanied by rapid rises in prices on the New York Stock Exchange. Influenced, perhaps, by the Florida land price, bubble it was widely supposed that this, too was a speculative bubble that would inevitably burst, with damaging consequences. The 1923  report had recommended the use of monetary policy to counter such speculation and in 1928 some members of the Federal Reserve Board became convinced that a tightening of monetary policy had become necessary and by July of 1928 the discount rate had been raised in New York to 5 per cent, the highest since 1921 and the System's holdings of government securities had been reduced from a level of over $600 million at the end of 1927 to $210 million by August 1928 <ref name=Friedman/>.  Benjamin Strong expressed reservations about that policy, but he died in October and the policy was supported by his successor, George Harrison, and the discount rate was raised a further point to 6 per cent in the following year. Disaster followed. During September and October of 1929 production fell at an annual rate of 20 per cent, wholesale prices at a rate of 7.5 percent and personal income at a rate  of  5 per cent, and after the October stock market crash, the economy declined even faster. The Federal Reserve  Board's desire to slow outflows of gold to France  then led to a further tightening of  monetary policy <ref> James Hamilton: ''Monetary Factors in the Great Depression'', Journal of Monetary Economics, 1987 </ref>, and in the autumn of 1931 there was yet another tightening of monetary policy, following the UK's sterling crisis. A wave of speculative attacks on the pound had  forced  Britain to leave the gold standard and, anticipating that the United States might the next to do so, speculators turned their attention from the pound to the dollar causing an outflow of gold, which was stemmed by an increase in the discount rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York<ref> For a more detailed account of the monetary policy of the period see par 1.2.3 of the tutorials subpage of the article on the Great Depression [] </ref>.

[[Franklin D. Roosevelt|Roosevelt]] attacked the depression problem on two levels: First, emergency measures, such as social relief programs and make-work programs of all kinds, urgently needed to prevent millions of Americans from literally starving, and give them work—any work. Secondly, on a strategic level, were those measures to reconstruct and develop the country’s totally ruined infrastructure. Dozens of [[alphabet agencies]] (AAA, CCC, CWA, [[FHA]] <ref name=FHA>[ Federal Housing Administration]</ref>, [[FDIC]]<Ref name=FDIC>[ FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation]</ref>, NRA, NRLA, [[PWA]], [[TVA]] <ref name=TVA>[ TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority: From the New Deal to a New Century]]</ref>, [[SEC]]<ref name=SEC>[ SEC - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission]</ref>, [[SSA]] <ref name=SSA>[ SSA - Social Security History]</ref>, [[WPA]], etc.) were created as a result of the New Deal. F.D.R. reduced unemployment by over 5 million in his first term—and reconstruct the country by physically changing its economy. <ref name=>[ CRAMER, Hartmut. ''F.D.R.’s 'New Deal': An Example of American System Economics''.<small>This speech opened the third panel of the conference, “On the Subject of Startegic Method, in Bad Schwalbach, Germany on May 28, 2000. Footnotes have been added.</small>]</ref>
1931 was also the year that saw the start of the 10-year series of devastating "dustbowl" droughts <ref>[ ''Drought in the Dust Bowl Years'',National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2006]</ref> and of the rural tragedy recounted in Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath". Although not part of the Great Depression, it contributed to its severity by raising unemployment, reducing demand and reducing the value of banking assets.

From 1932 onward Roosevelt argued that a restructuring of the economy—a "reform" would be needed to prevent another depression. New Deal programs sought to stimulate [[demand]] and provide work and relief for the impoverished through increased government spending, by:
==Banking Crises (1930 - 33)==
* reforming the financial system, especially the banks and Wall Street. The [[Securities Act of 1933]] comprehensively regulated the securities industry. This was followed by the [[Securities Exchange Act of 1934]] which created the [[Securities and Exchange Commission]]. (Though amended, the key provisions of both Acts are still in force as of 2006). Federal insurance of bank deposits was provided by the [[Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation|FDIC]] (still operating as of 2006), and the [[Glass-Steagal Act]] (which remained in effect for 50 years).  
There was a substantial reduction in the profitability of banking investments between 1929 and 1930 <ref>Elmus Wicker: ''The Banking Panics of the Great Depression'', Cambridge University Press 2000</ref> and a series of bank failures in the South and the Midwest led to attempts by depositors to convert their deposits into cash. That produced a 'contagion of fear' that culminated in a run on the country's fourth largest bank, which had the grandiloquent name of "Bank of the United States", leading to its total collapse <ref>[ Michael Bordo (Ed): ''Money, History and International Finance: Essays in the Honor of Anna J Schwartz'', NBER Conference Report, University of Chicago Press, 1989]</ref>. That failure further intensified depositors' mistrust of the banks, and more severe banking crises followed in 1931 and 1932, and by 1933, nearly half of the banks that had existed in 1929 had gone out of business, and most of the rest had suffered heavy losses. The loss of nearly half of the banking system and the depleted reserves of the remainder led to  what is now called a "credit crunch", during which householders, farmers and small businesses found credit to be expensive and hard to get, and a widespread loss of confidence in the country's financial institutions. The financial system was further disrupted by widespread defaults among mortgage holders and by insolvencies among small firms.
* instituting regulations which ended what was called "cut-throat competition" which kept forcing down prices and profits for everyone. (The NRA—which ended in 1935).
* setting minimum prices and wages and competitive conditions in all industries (NRA)
* encouraging unions that would raise wages, to increase the purchasing power of the working class (NRA)
* cutting farm production so as to raise prices and make it possible to earn a living in farming (done by the [[Agricultural Adjustment Act|AAA]] and successor farm programs)

The most controversial of the New Deal agencies was the [[National Recovery Administration]] (NRA) which ordered:  
Those developments were associated with a progressive deepening of the depression, and by 1933 about half of the country's industrial production capacity  was idle and more than a fifth of  its workforce was unemployed <ref> See the industrial production and unemployment statistics on the [[/Tutorials|tutorials subpage]]</ref>.  There  was also an intensification of the mass exodus of farming families from the rapidly spreading dustbowl <ref>[ ''Mass Exodus from the Plains'', The American Experience, PBS 2008]</ref>.
* businesses to work with government to set price codes;
* the NRA board to set labor codes and standards.

These reforms (together with relief and recover measures) are called by historians the [[First New Deal]]. It was centered around the use of an [[alphabet soup]] of agencies set up in 1933 and 1934, along with the use of previous agencies such as the [[Reconstruction Finance Corporation]], to regulate and stimulate the economy. By 1935, the "Second New Deal" added [[Social Security]], a national relief agency the [[Works Progress Administration]] (WPA), and, through the [[National Labor Relations Board]] a strong stimulus to the growth of labor unions. Unemployment fell by two-thirds in Roosevelt's first term (from 25% to 9%), but then remained stubbornly high until 1942.  
==Social Consequences (1930-36)==
The transition from the popular outlook of the "roaring twenties" to the sombre view of the "hungry thirties" was not immediate. At first the downturn seemed no worse than those that had happened before and there were reassuring forecasts of imminent recovery. Towards the end of 1930, however, the mood began to change.  More and more often,  jobs were being lost, savings were running out, and  homes were being repossessed; and as time passed,  more and more people were leaving their communities  in search of work. A nationwide census of the homeless in the care of various agencies taken in January 1933, yielded a total of 370 thousand,  and when an estimate of  those sleeping outdoors was added, the total rose to at least 1.2 million  <ref> Joan M. Crouse:  ''The Homeless Transient in the Great Depression: New York State, 1929-1941'', State University of New York Press, 1986</ref>.  By that time, thousands of families were sheltering in cardboard shacks in  "Hoovervilles" in  many American cities,  hundreds of thousands were roaming the country  in  search of jobs, and  many families were experiencing hunger and malnutrition <ref>[ ''Great Depression and World War II'', Learning Page, Library of Congress 2008]</ref>.<br>
Those who were already poor  suffered further hardship. According to the Brookings Institution, nearly 60% of American families had already  been unable to buy basic necessities in 1929, and their incomes often declined further in the 1930s <ref>  James R. McGovern: ''And a Time for Hope: Americans in the Great Depression'', Praeger, 2000 </ref>. Thirty-four million men,women and children had no income at all <ref>[,M1 Russell Freedman ''Children of the Great Depression'', Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2005]</ref>.  Even in 1937, the President of the United States was to say " I see millions of citizens - a substantial part of the population - who are at this very moment deprived of the bare necessities of life. I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished."<ref>[ Franklin D Roosevelt: Second Inaugural Address, January 1937]</ref>. (Roosevelt's "one-third of a nation" phrase was taken up by researchers that claimed that a third of the country's housing was bad enough to amount to a health hazard,<ref>[ Edith Wood: ''That One Third of a Nation'',  Survey Associates Inc 1940]</ref>).<br>
Disillusion with a system that had brought about such hardship generated a distinctly leftward political trend in academic circles
<ref>[ Robert Cohen: ''Activist Impulses: Campus Radicalism in the 1930s'', New Deal Network, 1993]</ref>, which was not widely shared, however.  The cultural life of America continued to exhibit vigour and creativity with writers such as Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald and Steinbeck and musicians such as Copland, Gershwin and Glenn Miller
<ref>[ ''American Cultural History 1930-39'', Lone Star College - Kingwood, 2001]</ref>.

In 1929, federal expenditures constituted only 3% of the [[Gross domestic product|GDP]]. Between 1933 and 1939, federal expenditure tripled, funded primarily by a growth in the national debt. The debt as proportion of GNP rose under Hoover from 20% to 40%.  FDR kept it at 40% until the war began, when it soared to 128%. After the [[Recession of 1937]], conservatives were able to form a bipartisan [[Conservative coalition]] that stopped further expansion of the New Deal, and, by 1943, had abolished all of the relief programs.
==Rescue and Recovery (1932-38)==
The only expansionary legislation introduced by the Hoover administration was creation of the [[Reconstruction Finance Corporation]], which made loans to banks, railroads, farm mortgage associations, and other businesses. Under pressure from Congress, the Federal Reserve also made some expansionary moves between March and July, but when Congress dissolved they  abandoned them.

===Great Infrastructure Projects===
When international reaction to Roosevelt's election led to a run on the dollar, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York asked him  to close the banking system in order to stem the drain on its reserves <ref> Barry Wigmore: ''Was the Bank Holiday of 1933 Caused by a Run on the Dollar?'',  Journal of Economic History, September 1987</ref>, and soon after his inauguration he declared a four-day "bank holiday". Also in early 1933, the President  took  action to revive the financial sector, tackling the problems facing both creditors and debtors.  With the reopening of the banks in 1933 and the restoration of confidence in the banking system, deposits and money supply rose sharply <ref name=Friedman/>. 

The best of big "hard" infrastructure projects being carried out under the New Deal examples are the results of the [[PWA|Public Works Administration (PWA)]] <ref name=PWA>[ PWA - Public Works Administration,The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, 2001-05]]</ref>, a former U.S. government agency established by Congress as the Federal Administration of Public Works, pursuant to the [[National Industrial Recovery Act]], and the almost legendary [[Tennessee Valley Authority]] (TVA) <ref name=TVA>[ TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority: From the New Deal to a New Century]]</ref>, both of which, President Roosevelt ran, more or less directly. The [[PWA]] became, with its ''"[[multiplier-effect]]"'' and first two-year budget of $3.3 billion (then an enormous sum), the driving force of America’s biggest construction effort up to that date. By June 1934 the agency had distributed its entire fund to 13,266 federal projects and 2,407 non-federal projects. For every worker on a [[PWA]] project, almost two additional workers were employed indirectly. The [[PWA]] accomplished the electrification of rural America, the building of canals, tunnels, bridges, highways, streets, sewage systems, and housing areas, as well as hospitals, schools, and universities; every year it used up roughly half of the concrete and one-third of the steel of the entire nation. <ref name=ROOSELVELT1>[ McJIMSEY, George. ''The Presidency of Franklin Delano Rooselvelt'', American Presidency Series. University Press of Kanasas, April 2000. ISBN 978-0-7006-1012-9]</ref> The development of the huge Tennessee River basin in the South by the [[TVA]] was a model for what a modern nation could accomplish.  By stopping the yearly floods of the Tennessee River and making it navigable, an entire area of almost the size of England could be opened up for development. [[Franklin Delano Roosevelt]] was the first President who attacked this problem from a higher level.  
Roosevelt had undertaken to allow  the dollar  exchange rate to fall in order to reverse the deflationary fall in domestic prices, and on the 5th of June, by a joint resolution of Congress, his administration  was relieved of its obligation to convert dollars into gold. There was an immediate fall of about 30 per cent in the exchange rate between the dollar and the pound sterling. The period of a variable price of gold came to an end on 31 January 1934, when the President, acting under the authority of the Gold Reserve Act of 1933, fixed the dollar at  $35 an ounce for gold  thereby devaluing the gold dollar to 59 per cent of its former weight in gold <ref>Michael Bordo, Owen Humpage, and Anna Schwartz: ''The Historical Origins of U.S. Exchange Market Intervention Policy'', NBER Working Paper No. 12662, November 2006[]</ref>.

The projects to develop the "hard" infrastructure of the country were flanked by measures to improve its "soft" counterpart: important social measures, which for the first time in U.S. history, established the concept of a [[minimum wage]], created insurance for the unemployed, sick and old, established decent health care, and abolished child labor. The [[Works Progress Administration]] (later Work Projects Administration, abbreviated [[WPA]]), was created on May 6, 1935 by Presidential order (Congress funded it annually but did not set it up). It was the largest and most comprehensive [[New Deal|New Deal agency]], employing millions of people and affecting every locality. The crowning achievement of these measures was the [[Social Security Act of 1935]]. This law was overturned by the Supreme Court, so that Roosevelt had to pass it in another form the [[Wagner Act of 1935]], the "Bill of Rights" of American labor.  
Roosevelt's [[New Deal]] had three components: a  relief component comprising employment-generating, social security and unemployment insurance systems; a recovery component including  the appointment of a [[National Recovery Administration]] with powers to restrict  competition, control  prices and wages, and the provision of  subsidies, and the funding of infrastructure  investment projects; and reform component for the regulation of banking and finance.<br> :''(The [[New Deal]] is described in detail in an article with that title, and its economic implications are discussed in the article on the [[Great Depression]].)''
Many of the New Deal <ref name=NEWDEAL'>[ ROSENOF, Theodore. ''Economics in the Long Run: New Deal Theorists and Their Legacies, 1933-1993''. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1997. ISBN 0-8078-2315-5.]</ref> regulations were abolished or scaled back in 1975-1985 in a bipartisan [[neoliberal]] wave of [[deregulation]]. However various of them, such as the [[Federal Housing Administration]] (FHA) <ref name=FHA>[ Federal Housing Administration]</ref>, the [[Social Security Administration]] (SSA) <ref name=SSA>[ SSA - U. S. Social Security Administration]</ref> , the [[Tennessee Valley Authority]] (TVA) <ref name=TVA>[ TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority: From the New Deal to a New Century]]</ref>, the [[Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation]] (FDIC) <Ref name=FDIC>[ FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation]</ref>, the [[Securities and Exchange Commission]] (SEC) <ref name=SEC>[ SEC - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission]</ref> and the so called [[Glass-Steagall Act]] sections of the original [[Banking Act]] of June 1933, (sections 16, 20, 21 and 32), which regulates Wall Street, won widespread support and continue to this day.
{{Main|New Deal}}

Series of tax reductions from 1920 to 1931
There were immediately favourable reactions to those policy changes. Stock prices  almost doubled in the second quarter of 1933, farm prices rose sharply and there was renewed investment in automobile and steel production. Between 1932 and 1935, Gross National Product rose by nearly 20 per cent. and by 1935, unemployment was about 30 per cent below its 1933 level.

* The Fed began raising the Fed Funds rate in the spring of 1928, and kept raising it through a recession that began in August 1929. This led to the stock market crash in October 1929.
* When the stock market crashed, investors turned to the currency markets. At that time, dollars were backed by gold held by the U.S. Government. Speculators began selling dollars for gold in September 1931, which caused a run on the dollar.
Several New Deal programmes had to be replaced in 1935 following Supreme Court objections, but the main features of the policy were preserved - including  continued attempts to reduce inequality by supporting pay rates, and by 1937, real earnings were 30 per cent above their 1933 level. The recovery of economic activity continued, and by 1936, consumers expenditure and national income were back to their 1929 levels, although employment remained depressed. In 1936, however, there was a sharp reduction in government spending, and the Federal Reserve introduced a sharp increase in the reserve ratio. There followed a deep recession in 1937 and into 1938, and full employment was not restored until the onset in Europe of the second world war.
* The Fed raised interest rates again to try and preserve the value of the dollar. This further restricted the availability of money for businesses, causing more bankruptcies.
* The Fed did not increase the supply of money to combat deflation.
* As investors withdrew all their dollars from banks, the banks failed, causing more panic. The Fed ignored the banks' plight, thus destroying any remaining consumers’ confidence in banks. Most people withdrew their cash and put it under the mattress, which further decreased the money supply.
Between 1929 and 1933, 10,763 of the 24,970 commercial banks in the United States failed. As the public increasingly held more currency and fewer deposits, and as banks built up their excess reserves, the money supply fell 30.9 percent from its 1929 level. Though the Federal Reserve System did increase bank reserves, the increases were far too small to stop the fall in the money supply. As businesses saw their lines of credit and money reserves fall with bank closings, and consumers saw their bank deposit wealth tied up in drawn-out bankruptcy proceedings, spending fell, worsening the collapse in the Great Depression. <ref>[ Gene Smiley: ''Great Depression'', Concise Encyclopedia of Economics]</ref>
== The recession of 1937==
{{Main|Recession of 1937}}
The Roosevelt administration was under assault during FDR's second term, which presided over a new dip in the Great Depression in the fall of 1937 that continued through most of 1938. Production declined sharply, as did profits and employment. Unemployment jumped from 14.3% in 1937 to 19.0% in 1938. Keynesian economists speculated that this was a result of a premature effort to curb government spending and balance the budget, while conservatives said it was caused by attacks on business and by the huge strikes caused by the organizing activities of the [[Congress of Industrial Organizations|CIO]] and the [[American Federation of Labor]] (AFL).
Roosevelt rejected the advice of Morgenthau to cut spending, and decided big business was trying to ruin the New Deal by causing another depression that voters would react against by voting Republican. It was a "capital strike" said Roosevelt, and he ordered the FBI to look for a criminal conspiracy (they found none).  Roosevelt moved left and unleashed a rhetorical campaign against monopoly power, which was cast as the cause of the new crisis. Ickes attacked automaker Henry Ford, steelmaker Tom Girdler, and the superrich "Sixty Families" who supposedly comprised "the living center of the modern industrial oligarchy which dominates the United States." Left unchecked, Ickes warned, they would create "big-business Fascist America -- an enslaved America." The president appointed Robert Jackson as the aggressive new director of the antitrust division of the Justice Department, but this effort lost its effectiveness once World War II began and big business was urgently needed to produce war supplies. [Kennedy p 352]
But the administration's other response to the 1937 deepening of the Great Depression had more tangible results. Ignoring the vitriolic pleas of the Treasury Department and responding to the urgings of the converts to Keynesian economics and others in his administration, Roosevelt embarked on an antidote to the depression, reluctantly abandoning his efforts to balance the budget and launching a $5 billion spending program in the spring of 1938, an effort to increase mass purchasing power. The New Deal had in fact engaged in deficit spending since 1933, but it was apologetic about it. The debt did NOT rise as a proportion of GDP, but did rise in terms of dollars. Now they had a theory to justify what they were doing.  Roosevelt explained his program in a fireside chat in which he explained it was up to the government to "create an economic upturn" by making "additions to the purchasing power of the nation." He was opposed by [[Fiscal Conservatism|fiscal conservatives]] who thought all government spending was inefficient and generated corruptiom.
Business-oriented observers explained the recession and recovery in very different terms from the Keynesians.  They argued that the New Deal had been very hostile to business expansion in 1935-37, had encouraged massive strikes which had a negative impact on major industries such as automobiles, and had threatened massive anti-trust legal attacks on big corporations.  All those threats diminished sharply after 1938.  For example, the antitrust efforts fizzled out without major cases. The CIO and AFL unions started battling each other more than corporations, and tax policy became more favorable to long-term growth.
In [[1937]], the American economy took an unexpected nosedive that continued through most of 1938. Production declined sharply, as did profits and employment. [[Unemployment]] jumped from 14.3% in 1937 to 19.0% in 1938. The administration reacted by launching a rhetorical campaign against [[monopoly]] power, which was cast as the cause of the new dip. The president appointed an aggressive new direction of the antitrust division of the Justice Department, but this effort lost its effectiveness once World War II, a far more pressing concern, began.
But the administration's other response to the 1937 deepening of the Great Depression had more tangible results. Ignoring the pleas of the Treasury Department, Roosevelt embarked on an antidote to the depression, reluctantly abandoning his efforts to balance the budget and launching a $5 billion spending program in the spring of 1938, an effort to increase mass purchasing powerBusiness-oriented observers explained the recession and recovery in very different terms from the Keynesians. They argued that the New Deal had been very hostile to business expansion in 1935-37, had encouraged massive strikes which had a negative impact on major industries such as automobiles, and had threatened massive anti-trust legal attacks on big corporations. All those threats diminished sharply after 1938. For example, the antitrust efforts fizzled out without major cases. The CIO and AFL unions started battling each other more than corporations, and tax policy became more favorable to long-term growth.
On the other hand, according to economist [[Robert Higgs]], when looking only at the supply of consumer goods, significant GDP growth only resumed in 1946 (Higgs does not estimate the value to consumers of collective goods like victory in war) (Higgs 1992). To Keynesians, the [[war economy]] showed just how large the fiscal stimulus required to end the downturn of the Depression was, and it led, at the time, to fears that as soon as America demobilized, it would return to Depression conditions and industrial output would fall to its pre-war levels. That is, [[Keynesians]] predicted that a new depression would start after the war, unless some government measures were enacted to prevent it, such as the [[Marshall Plan]] in destroyed Europe.

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The Great Depression in the United States of America was part of an international economic crisis that was longer and deeper than any that have happened before or since. It had a profoundly damaging effect upon welfare and morale of the people of the United States, depriving many of jobs, homes and savings, creating widespread poverty, and destroying a previous mood of optimism. It started eleven years after the end of the First World War and was not over until the outset of the Second World War.

Its effect upon many Americans was reflected in a popular song of the time that include the lines:

They used to tell me I was building a dream...
once I built a railroad; now it's done ...
brother, can you spare a dime?
"Brother, Can You Spare a Dime," lyrics by Yip Harburg, music by Jay Gorney (1931)[3]

The causes of that international disaster are discussed in the article on the Great Depression. The following article provides only a factual account of what happened to the American economy and to the American people.

For an annotated chronology of the main events, see the Timelines subpage;
for associated international developments see the article on the Great Depression;
for a summary of the relevant US economic statistics, see the Tutorials subpage;
for definitions of terms shown in italics see the Glossary.


Background (1918 - 23)

The condition of the United States in the 1920s differed markedly from its pre-war condition. The wartime destruction of much of Europe's productive capacity had made it the richest country in the world, and Europe's wartime borrowing had made the United States the largest creditor.

After the end of the war, the full convertibility of the dollar into gold under the gold standard which had been suspended during the war, was immediately resumed. The shock of the ending of wartime production led to a minor recession that was followed by a resumption of strong output growth. A few years later there occurred severest bout of deflation ever experienced in the United States when wholesale prices fell by 56% in a little over a year, following an attempt to end wartime inflation by a tightening of the federal budget, and sharp reduction in the monetary base. [1]

In 1921 Warren Harding became President and pushed through a program of tax reductions, farming subsidies, tariffs and immigration restrictions.

In 1923, a committee appointed by Herbert Hoover (then Commerce Secretary) published a 300-page report on the subject of recessions and the associated unemployment.[2] The committee had regarded it as inevitable that every boom would be followed by a slump. It had considered how a future boom could be restrained and how the following downturn could be countered. Among its recommendations were the postponement of commercial and public investment projects from times of expansion to times of contraction and the control of banks' credit expansion. Although Hoover endorsed those recommendations at the time, he subsequently proposed severe limits upon the government's ability to act upon them. He said—at the depth of the depression—that there should be "... no tampering or inflation of the currency," that the budget should be "unquestionably balanced, even if further taxation is necessary," and that "the government credit [should] be maintained by refusal to exhaust it in the issue of securities." Later, John Kenneth Galbraith understood these policies to amount to the rejection of both fiscal policy and monetary policy actions in face of a depression.[3]

Monetary policy in the 1920s was dominated by Benjamin Strong, a participant in the creation of the Federal Reserve System and first governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Strong maintained a close relationship with Montague Norman of the Bank of England who was most interested in recovering the British financial strength following the First World War. In 1924, Strong supported the British pound by lowering U.S. interest rates, which by making the dollar less attractive and the pound sterling more attractive to investors, drove up the foreign exchange value of the British currency and facilitated Britain's return to the gold standard. In 1927, Strong forced through the Federal Reserve System a decrease in the discount rate from 4 to 3 percent which is quoted to have called "un petit coup de whisky for the stock exchange." This appeared to have been influenced by the previous Long Island meeting of central bankers of Great Britain, the United States, France, and Germany to discuss means of strengthening Britain's gold reserves and of the general European currency situation.[4]

Boom (1923 - 29

Following the election of Calvin Coolidge to the Presidency, the mid-1920s came to be known as the "Coolidge Prosperity". Having declared that "the chief business of the American people is business" the President persuaded Congress to give private business substantial encouragement, including construction loans, profitable mail-carrying contracts and other indirect subsidies [5]. America experienced rapid increases in mass production and mass consumption, turning it into the richest society in the world. It saw the birth of what came to be known as the "American Dream" - a "dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" [6] and became a modern middle-class economy of radios, consumer appliances, automobiles and suburbs with about one American in five owning a motor vehicle. It also became a land of great inequality, with the richest one percent of U.S. households holding an estimated 45 percent of national wealth, [7]. Hire-purchase became increasingly popular [8], and an increase in the use of stockbrokers' margin accounts for the purchase of stocks. Holidays in the Florida sun were growing in popularity, plots were being assigned to anyone able to pay a 10 per cent deposit and land prices were driven up initially by a growth in demand by prospective builders, but later by speculators; creating a "bubble" that finally burst, with a collapse of land prices, in 1926.

Slump (1929-31)

The boom in economic activity continued in the following years and is believed to have intensified after the 1927 monetary relaxation and it was then accompanied by rapid rises in prices on the New York Stock Exchange. Influenced, perhaps, by the Florida land price, bubble it was widely supposed that this, too was a speculative bubble that would inevitably burst, with damaging consequences. The 1923 report had recommended the use of monetary policy to counter such speculation and in 1928 some members of the Federal Reserve Board became convinced that a tightening of monetary policy had become necessary and by July of 1928 the discount rate had been raised in New York to 5 per cent, the highest since 1921 and the System's holdings of government securities had been reduced from a level of over $600 million at the end of 1927 to $210 million by August 1928 [1]. Benjamin Strong expressed reservations about that policy, but he died in October and the policy was supported by his successor, George Harrison, and the discount rate was raised a further point to 6 per cent in the following year. Disaster followed. During September and October of 1929 production fell at an annual rate of 20 per cent, wholesale prices at a rate of 7.5 percent and personal income at a rate of 5 per cent, and after the October stock market crash, the economy declined even faster. The Federal Reserve Board's desire to slow outflows of gold to France then led to a further tightening of monetary policy [9], and in the autumn of 1931 there was yet another tightening of monetary policy, following the UK's sterling crisis. A wave of speculative attacks on the pound had forced Britain to leave the gold standard and, anticipating that the United States might the next to do so, speculators turned their attention from the pound to the dollar causing an outflow of gold, which was stemmed by an increase in the discount rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York[10].

1931 was also the year that saw the start of the 10-year series of devastating "dustbowl" droughts [11] and of the rural tragedy recounted in Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath". Although not part of the Great Depression, it contributed to its severity by raising unemployment, reducing demand and reducing the value of banking assets.

Banking Crises (1930 - 33)

There was a substantial reduction in the profitability of banking investments between 1929 and 1930 [12] and a series of bank failures in the South and the Midwest led to attempts by depositors to convert their deposits into cash. That produced a 'contagion of fear' that culminated in a run on the country's fourth largest bank, which had the grandiloquent name of "Bank of the United States", leading to its total collapse [13]. That failure further intensified depositors' mistrust of the banks, and more severe banking crises followed in 1931 and 1932, and by 1933, nearly half of the banks that had existed in 1929 had gone out of business, and most of the rest had suffered heavy losses. The loss of nearly half of the banking system and the depleted reserves of the remainder led to what is now called a "credit crunch", during which householders, farmers and small businesses found credit to be expensive and hard to get, and a widespread loss of confidence in the country's financial institutions. The financial system was further disrupted by widespread defaults among mortgage holders and by insolvencies among small firms.

Those developments were associated with a progressive deepening of the depression, and by 1933 about half of the country's industrial production capacity was idle and more than a fifth of its workforce was unemployed [14]. There was also an intensification of the mass exodus of farming families from the rapidly spreading dustbowl [15].

Social Consequences (1930-36)

The transition from the popular outlook of the "roaring twenties" to the sombre view of the "hungry thirties" was not immediate. At first the downturn seemed no worse than those that had happened before and there were reassuring forecasts of imminent recovery. Towards the end of 1930, however, the mood began to change. More and more often, jobs were being lost, savings were running out, and homes were being repossessed; and as time passed, more and more people were leaving their communities in search of work. A nationwide census of the homeless in the care of various agencies taken in January 1933, yielded a total of 370 thousand, and when an estimate of those sleeping outdoors was added, the total rose to at least 1.2 million [16]. By that time, thousands of families were sheltering in cardboard shacks in "Hoovervilles" in many American cities, hundreds of thousands were roaming the country in search of jobs, and many families were experiencing hunger and malnutrition [17].
Those who were already poor suffered further hardship. According to the Brookings Institution, nearly 60% of American families had already been unable to buy basic necessities in 1929, and their incomes often declined further in the 1930s [18]. Thirty-four million men,women and children had no income at all [19]. Even in 1937, the President of the United States was to say " I see millions of citizens - a substantial part of the population - who are at this very moment deprived of the bare necessities of life. I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished."[20]. (Roosevelt's "one-third of a nation" phrase was taken up by researchers that claimed that a third of the country's housing was bad enough to amount to a health hazard,[21]).
Disillusion with a system that had brought about such hardship generated a distinctly leftward political trend in academic circles [22], which was not widely shared, however. The cultural life of America continued to exhibit vigour and creativity with writers such as Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald and Steinbeck and musicians such as Copland, Gershwin and Glenn Miller [23].

Rescue and Recovery (1932-38)


The only expansionary legislation introduced by the Hoover administration was creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, which made loans to banks, railroads, farm mortgage associations, and other businesses. Under pressure from Congress, the Federal Reserve also made some expansionary moves between March and July, but when Congress dissolved they abandoned them.


When international reaction to Roosevelt's election led to a run on the dollar, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York asked him to close the banking system in order to stem the drain on its reserves [24], and soon after his inauguration he declared a four-day "bank holiday". Also in early 1933, the President took action to revive the financial sector, tackling the problems facing both creditors and debtors. With the reopening of the banks in 1933 and the restoration of confidence in the banking system, deposits and money supply rose sharply [1].

Roosevelt had undertaken to allow the dollar exchange rate to fall in order to reverse the deflationary fall in domestic prices, and on the 5th of June, by a joint resolution of Congress, his administration was relieved of its obligation to convert dollars into gold. There was an immediate fall of about 30 per cent in the exchange rate between the dollar and the pound sterling. The period of a variable price of gold came to an end on 31 January 1934, when the President, acting under the authority of the Gold Reserve Act of 1933, fixed the dollar at $35 an ounce for gold thereby devaluing the gold dollar to 59 per cent of its former weight in gold [25].

Roosevelt's New Deal had three components: a relief component comprising employment-generating, social security and unemployment insurance systems; a recovery component including the appointment of a National Recovery Administration with powers to restrict competition, control prices and wages, and the provision of subsidies, and the funding of infrastructure investment projects; and reform component for the regulation of banking and finance.
 :(The New Deal is described in detail in an article with that title, and its economic implications are discussed in the article on the Great Depression.)

There were immediately favourable reactions to those policy changes. Stock prices almost doubled in the second quarter of 1933, farm prices rose sharply and there was renewed investment in automobile and steel production. Between 1932 and 1935, Gross National Product rose by nearly 20 per cent. and by 1935, unemployment was about 30 per cent below its 1933 level.


Several New Deal programmes had to be replaced in 1935 following Supreme Court objections, but the main features of the policy were preserved - including continued attempts to reduce inequality by supporting pay rates, and by 1937, real earnings were 30 per cent above their 1933 level. The recovery of economic activity continued, and by 1936, consumers expenditure and national income were back to their 1929 levels, although employment remained depressed. In 1936, however, there was a sharp reduction in government spending, and the Federal Reserve introduced a sharp increase in the reserve ratio. There followed a deep recession in 1937 and into 1938, and full employment was not restored until the onset in Europe of the second world war.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz, A Monetary History of the United States 1867-1960 (Princeton University Press for NBER, 1963), 289.
  2. Committee of the President's Conference on Unemployment, Business Cycles and Unemployment, (McGraw Hill, 1923).
  3. John Kenneth Galbraith, The Great Crash 1929 (Penguin Books, 1992).
  4. Priscilla Roberts, "Benjamin Strong, the Federal Reserve, and the Limits to Interwar American Nationalism: Part II: Strong and the Federal Reserve System in the 1920s," Economic Quarterly–Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Spring 2000.
  5. "War, Prosperity and Depression", Chapter 9, An outline of American History, The United States Information Agency 2008
  6. James Truslow Adams: The Epic of America, Little Brown & Co, 1931
  7. Bradford De Long: "The Roaring Twenties", Economic History of the United States Chapter XII, 1997
  8. Sharon Murphy: "The Advertising of Installment Plans" in Essays in History, Vol 37, The Corcoran Department of History at the University of Virginia, 1995
  9. James Hamilton: Monetary Factors in the Great Depression, Journal of Monetary Economics, 1987
  10. For a more detailed account of the monetary policy of the period see par 1.2.3 of the tutorials subpage of the article on the Great Depression [1]
  11. Drought in the Dust Bowl Years,National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2006
  12. Elmus Wicker: The Banking Panics of the Great Depression, Cambridge University Press 2000
  13. Michael Bordo (Ed): Money, History and International Finance: Essays in the Honor of Anna J Schwartz, NBER Conference Report, University of Chicago Press, 1989
  14. See the industrial production and unemployment statistics on the tutorials subpage
  15. Mass Exodus from the Plains, The American Experience, PBS 2008
  16. Joan M. Crouse: The Homeless Transient in the Great Depression: New York State, 1929-1941, State University of New York Press, 1986
  17. Great Depression and World War II, Learning Page, Library of Congress 2008
  18. James R. McGovern: And a Time for Hope: Americans in the Great Depression, Praeger, 2000
  19. Russell Freedman Children of the Great Depression, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2005
  20. Franklin D Roosevelt: Second Inaugural Address, January 1937
  21. Edith Wood: That One Third of a Nation, Survey Associates Inc 1940
  22. Robert Cohen: Activist Impulses: Campus Radicalism in the 1930s, New Deal Network, 1993
  23. American Cultural History 1930-39, Lone Star College - Kingwood, 2001
  24. Barry Wigmore: Was the Bank Holiday of 1933 Caused by a Run on the Dollar?, Journal of Economic History, September 1987
  25. Michael Bordo, Owen Humpage, and Anna Schwartz: The Historical Origins of U.S. Exchange Market Intervention Policy, NBER Working Paper No. 12662, November 2006[2]