Talk:Mizar (software): Difference between revisions

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imported>Peter Jackson
(→‎Disambig?: new section)
imported>Peter Schmitt
m (Talk:Mizar moved to Talk:Mizar (software): disambig)

Revision as of 18:06, 29 January 2010

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 Definition A software package for automated verification of mathematical definitions and proofs. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories Computers and Mathematics [Categories OK]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

Need more simple examples

It would be good to add also examples that check simple relations, in particular,


Explain this to me on a simple example; the difficult example I will be able to do on my own - Israel Gelfand, 1994,

The guide for choice of the libraries seems to be absent. It could be just a script that adds and removes libraries one by one, checking, weather the number of non-accepted lines increases or reduces. But I cannot find such a script at their homepage. What should be a keyword for such a search?

Dmitrii Kouznetsov 05:23, 29 January 2010 (UTC)
P.S. the { {subpages} } is not accepted...


Mizar is also the name of a star, ζ Ursae Majoris. Peter Jackson 14:28, 29 January 2010 (UTC)