Talk:Schutzstaffel: Difference between revisions

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imported>Howard C. Berkowitz
m (Talk:SS moved to Talk:Schutzstaffel: Correct name for organization, not abbreviation)

Latest revision as of 12:18, 7 December 2008

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 Definition A Nazi German organization, the "SS". technically part of the National Socialist German Workers' Party but in many respects a "state within a state", its functions intermingled with government offices in a manner characteristic of Adolf Hitler's desire to keep final control. While it is best known for its security and genocidal operations, it also had major economic and regular military roles, a far growth from its original role as Hitler's personal bodyguard [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories Military and History [Categories OK]
 Subgroup category:  Nazism
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English