Talk:Hycean world: Difference between revisions

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imported>Peter Jackson
(→‎Case: new section)
imported>George Swan
m (George Swan moved page Talk:Hycean World to Talk:Hycean world)
(No difference)

Revision as of 07:53, 28 February 2022

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To learn how to update the categories for this article, see here. To update categories, edit the metadata template.
 Definition Water worlds, larger than Earth, with thick Hydrogen atmospheres, and oceans capable of supporting life [d] [e]
Checklist and Archives
 Workgroup categories Astronomy and Earth Sciences [Editors asked to check categories]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English


I originally wrote this at wikialpha...

It is under the public domain there. George Swan (talk) 23:01, 27 February 2022 (UTC)


I think the W should be lower case in the article title, as it is (at least sometimes) in the text of the article. Peter Jackson (talk) 11:22, 28 February 2022 (UTC)