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Search overview
Searching is simple - just enter the text you want to look for, and we'll try to find some articles that match by the title and by the content of the page. Terms are "anded" together, so a search on biology cell will return pages that mention both 'biology' and 'cell'. To find all pages that mentioned either biology or cell, simply say biology or cell. To exclude a term, put the word 'not' or an exclamation mark in front of it. You can also group with parenthesis. Finally, you can use the shortcuts & and | for "AND" and "OR" respectively.
Note that we are actually searching for the stems of words, so searching for the word 'smooth' will match not only 'smooth', but 'smoothly' and 'smooths'.
- Search for articles containing the words "biology" or "cell", but not the word "microbiology":
- (biology | cell) !microbiology