History of biology

- See related Biology
A history of biology does not constitute an evaluation of the veracity of biological ideas. It does not attempt to give answers to the fundamental questions in biology, or even to define those questions. It tries to recognize the myriad ideas of individuals curious about the myriad aspects of the living world, including those individuals whose ideas have all but disappeared from the everyday knowledge base. It tries to follow the path of human curiosity about workings of living things. We will try to heed the words of the editor of the Journal of the History of Biology:
While hard data will always serve as the basis of history, the simple narrative is no longer acceptable, particularly when dealing with the emergence of ideas. The best history will be characterized by penetrating and critical analysis of changing concepts and altered methods of experiment and observation. Biology, in particular, must be studied in terms of its relationships with the other sciences and with the intellectual currents of its day. [1]
An unrecorded history of biology began when prehistoric human foragers first started to accumulate information about the behavior of plants and animals in their environment, which they did presumably for its importance in helping them acquire food for subsistence.
Homo sapiens, emerged nearly 200,000 years ago, exhibiting unprecedented cognitive abilities. They could discriminate cause and effect widely in nature, they could speak and thus share knowledge and cooperatively accumulate it to pass it down the generations, and they could make tools — all prerequisites for a successful study of food sources for immediate practical purposes. Living as hunter-gatherers, they learned the details of the behavior of animals and plants as they needed to subsist and thrive in the wild. How they managed to organize and teach their knowledge we can only speculate. Reports of direct observations of 19th and 20th century hunter-gatherer societies, whose lifestyle resembled them give some appreciation of the likely expertise important for survival required of our hunter-gatherer ancestors.[2]
Beginning approximately 10,000 years ago, self-expanding biological knowledge in the Middle East plausibly played a major role in evolving productivity in agriculture and the domestication of wild animals such as dogs and sheep. Some biologists extrapolate backwards in time from historic processes to speculate on the knowledge-based aspects of the developments in cultivation and domestication for human benefit by prehistoric agriculturalists. Harold Morowitz, Yale Professor of Biology and Natural Philosophy, views prehistoric agriculturalists as ‘natural’ biologists and selectionists:[3]
Domestication provides for rapid evolution of the species employed. A selection for fitness was imposed by the domesticators. Thus, large seeds, fleshy fruits, and other desirable properties were selected in choosing for planting. In time this had its genetic consequences, and new strains emerged. Similarly, in animal populations selection for docility or size or some other feature would alter a species....Animal domestication might have been preceded by hunter-gatherers who captured orphaned young animals and raised them in captivity. This would have provided information necessary for large-scale animal domestication. In a very real sense, agriculture is a knowledge-driven activity. Knowledge must be communicated by language and must eventually be stored by writing.
Farming techniques were invented possibly independently in at least seven parts of the world, including the Middle East, Asia, Sub-Sahara Africa, and the Western Hemisphere.
Beginnings of ancient biology
The Pre-Socratics
How Darwinism evolved into multiple species of neo-Darwinism
See also
- Allen, Garland. Life Science in the Twentieth Century (1975)
- Dictionary of Scientific Biography (2nd ed. 2007)
- Gardner, Eldon J. History of Biology (3rd ed 1986)
- Nordenskiold, Erik. The History of Biology A Survey (1928) 630pp
- Magner, Lois N. A History of the Life Sciences (3rd ed. 2002)
- Mayr, Ernst. The Growth of Biological Thought: Diversity, Evolution, and Inheritance, 1982; advanced history by leading scientistonline edition
- Maienschein, Jane. "History of Biology" Osiris, 2nd Series, Vol. 1, Historical Writing on American Science. (1985), pp. 147-162. in JSTOR historiography
- Morange, Michel. A History of Molecular Biology (1994)
- Sapp, Jan. Genesis: The Evolution of Biology, 2003 online edition
- Serafini, Anthony. The Epic History of Biology, 2001, 408pp online edition
- Singer, Charles. A History of Biology to about the Year 1900: A General Introduction to the Study of Living Things 1930 online edition
- Woodruff, Lorande Loss. "History of Biology," The Scientific Monthly, Vol. 12, No. 3. (Mar., 1921), pp. 253-281. in JSTOR, brief history down to Darwin
Primary sources
- Suñer, August Pi, ed. Classics of Biology. Philosophical Library: 1955. 337pp online edition
External links
Citations and Notes
- ↑ Mendelsohn E. (1968) Editorial forward. Journal of the History of Biology 1:iii-iiv.
- ↑ See sampling of such studies:
- Lee RB, DeVore I. (1968) Man the Hunter. Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago.
- Woodburn J (1968) An introduction to Hadza ecology. In: Man the Hunter. Editors: Lee RB and DeVore I. Aldine Publishing Co., Chicago.
- Tanaka J (1976) Subsistence ecology of Central Kalahari San. In: Kalahari Hunter-Gatherers. Editors: Lee RB and DeVore I. Harvard Universty Press, Cambridge.
- Hawkes K, Hill K, O'Connell J. (1982) Why hunters gather, optimal foraging theory and the Ache of Eastern Ache Paraguay. American Ethnologist 9:379-398
- O'Dea K, White NG, Sinclair AJ. (1988) An investigation of nutrition-related risk factors in an isolated Aboriginal community in northern Australia: advantages of a traditionally-orientated life-style. Med J Aust 148:177-180 PMID 3277018
- Milton K, Knight CD, Crowe I. (1991) Comparative Aspects of Diet in Amazonian Forest-Dwellers. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences 334:253-263
- Hill K, Hurtado M, HurtadoA.M. (1996) Ache Life History: The Ecology and Demography of a Foraging People (Foundations of Human Behavior). Aldine De Gruyter.
- ↑ Morowitz HJ. (2002) The Emergence of Everything: How the World Became Complex. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0-19-517331-7 Full-Text