Tet Offensive/Related Articles
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- See also changes related to Tet Offensive, or pages that link to Tet Offensive or to this page or whose text contains "Tet Offensive".
Parent topics
- Vietnam [r]: A country in Southeast Asia, neighboring China, Laos, and Cambodia, and with seacoast on the Gulf of Thailand, Gulf of Tonkin, and South China Sea. Now the unified Socialist Republic of Vietnam, under a Communist government with a market economic system, it spawned from ancient kingdoms, was a colony called French Indochina, and was partitioned into the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) and Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) between 1954 and 1975. [e]
- Vietnam War [r]: (1955-1975) war that killed 3.8 million people, where North Vietnam fought U.S. forces and eventually took over South Vietnam, forming a single Communist country, Vietnam. [e]
- General Offensive-General Uprising [r]: A series of strategic concepts, still not fully understood in the West, from the Politburo of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, differing from Chinese and Soviet doctrine, and focused on creating the conditions for victory in first 1965, and then 1968. The eventual execution did not succeed, and caused a change in strategic direction, as well as shifts in power in the Party, after the Tet Offensive. [e]
- War, Viet Nam, and the United States [r]: Add brief definition or description
{{r|Joint warfare in South Vietnam, 1964-1968))
- Vo Nguyen Giap [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Tet [r]: The Vietnamese lunar new year celebration, traditionally a time of great festivities, and a truce if there is a war in progress. The Tet Offensive was a violation of such a truce, in 1968 [e]
- Hue [r]: Third largest city of Vietnam, which was the capital of the classic Empire of Annam and is considered the cultural center of the country. [e]
- Clark Clifford [r]: Attorney and classic "Washington, D.C. insider"; adviser to government officials and Secretary of Defense from 1966 to 1968 [e]
- Lyndon B. Johnson [r]: American politician (1908-1973); president 1963–1969; known for his civil rights bills and "The Great Society". [e]
- Robert Kennedy [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Eugene McCarthy [r]: Add brief definition or description
- National Security Agency [r]: An organization within the United States Department of Defense, with the dual roles of the principal signals intelligence agency in the United States intelligence community , but also having the responsibility for information assurance of military, diplomatic, and other critical communications. [e]
- Nguyen Chi Thanh [r]: Senior General in the People's Army of Viet Nam and commander of forces in South Vietnam; believed to have planned the General Offensive-General Uprising, but died in 1967, before its possible realization in the Tet Offensive [e]
- Tran Van Tra [r]: General officer of the People's Army of Viet Nam, serving from 1954 to the fall of South Vietnam, who has been in some disfavor for writing a frank history of the North Vietnamese side. [e]
- William Westmoreland [r]: Add brief definition or description