Leila Boujnane

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Leila Boujnane
Flickr fight with leila (299728272) (cropped).jpg
Occupation Computer Scientist
Predecessor Bloke

Leila Boujnane is a co-founder of tineye, a firm that provide a reverse image search engine.[1]

Boujnane was born in France, but now lives in Canada.[1] She says she began working in information technology "by accident".

Boujnane and her partner, Paul Bloore, started working on their search engine in 2003, and made it available in 2008.[2] Toronto Life pointed out that Tineye was available three years before google rolled out its own reverse search engine.[3]

Boujnane is also a leading figure in organizing Toronto's annual maker faire.[4]

Boujnane is an amateur nature photographer, and her photos are widely re-used.


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Amber McArthur. Wired Women of Canada: Leila Boujnane, search innovator, Globe and Mail, 2022-05-16. Retrieved on 2022-05-23. “After moving from France to Canada, Boujnane started working for a software company 'by accident.' She fell in love with the ability to build great teams and use technology to solve complex problems. She describes the industry as the most exciting on earth, 'unless you become an astronaut.'mirror
  2. Matt Hartley. Google muscles in on Canadian startup, Financial Post, 2011-06-14. Retrieved on 2022-05-23. “As the creator of TinEye — a reverse-image search technology that allows users to figure out where a photo came from, how it is used and whether modified versions of it exist anywhere on the Web — she had a feeling Google would one day add similar functionalities to its flagship search engine.”
  3. Dave Zarum. Google launches “new” reverse-image search engine—three years after a Toronto tech company did it first, Toronto Life, 2011-06-17. Retrieved on 2022-05-23. “Three years ago, Leila Boujnane’s Idée Inc. developed an oh-so-cool reverse-image search engine called TinEye.”
  4. William Mougayar. Stroll on the East side of Toronto, with TinEye, Hailo and Vanhawks, Startup management, 2014-08-26. Retrieved on 2022-05-23. mirror