Constellation/Related Articles
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- See also changes related to Constellation, or pages that link to Constellation or to this page or whose text contains "Constellation".
- Andromeda (constellation): Constellation in the northern sky, which is surrounded by Auriga, Perseus, Aries, Cetus, Eridanus, Orion and Gemini. [e]
- Antlia: Constellation in the southern sky, which is surrounded by Hydra, Pyxis, Vela and Centaurus. [e]
- Apus: Constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Musca and Pavo, first defined in the late sixteenth century, its name meaning 'no feet' in Greek. [e]
- Aquarius: Constellation in the equatorial region of the Southern Hemisphere near Pisces and Aquila, the 11th member of the zodiac, its name is Latin for 'water-bearer' or 'cup-bearer'. [e]
- Aquila: Constellation in the Northern Hemisphere and the Milky Way near Aquarius and Serpens Cauda, its name is Latin for 'eagle'. [e]
- Ara: Constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near the constellations Norma and Telescopium, its name is Latin for 'altar'. [e]
- Aries: A constellation in the northern sky symbolized by a ram. [e]
- Auriga: A constellation in the northern sky. [e]
- Boötes: Northern sky constellation with 140 stars including Arcturus (α Bootis), the third-brightest star in the night sky. [e]
- Caelum: Constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Columba and Eridanus, its name means 'the chisel' in Latin. [e]
- Camelopardalis: Constellation in the Northern Hemisphere in the large space between Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and Perseus, its name is Latin for 'giraffe'. [e]
- Cancer (constellation): Constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Leo and Gemini, fourth member of the zodiac, its name is Latin for 'crab'. [e]
- Canes Venatici: Constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Ursa Major and Boötes, under the handle of the Big Dipper, its name is Latin for 'hunting dogs'. [e]
- Canis Major: A southern constellation containing Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, symbolized as a large dog. [e]
- Canis Minor: Constellation in the northern sky, symbolized as a little dog. [e]
- Capricornus: A constellation in the southern sky. It is surrounded by Aquarius, Aquila, Sagittarius, Microscopium and Piscis Austrinus. [e]
- Carina: Constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Volans and Vela that contains the star Canopus, its name is Latin for 'keel'. [e]
- Cassiopeia: W-shaped constellation in the Northern Hemisphere between Andromeda and Cepheus, named after the wife of Cepheus king of the Ethiopians, in Greek mythology. [e]
- Centaurus: Constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Vela and Lupus, named after the race of creatures, part horse and part man, living in the mountains of Thessaly and Arcadia, Greek mythology. [e]
- Cepheus: Constellation in the northern sky. [e]
- Cetus: Constellation in the equatorial region of the Southern Hemisphere near Aquarius and Eridanus, its name refers to Cetus, a sea monster in Greek mythology. [e]
- Chamaeleon: Constellation in the southern polar region near Apus and Mensa, named after the chameleon, a form of lizard. [e]
- Circinus: Constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Musca and Triangulum Australe, its name is Latin for 'compass'. [e]
- Columba: Constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Caelum and Puppis, its name is Latin for 'Dove'. [e]
- Coma Berenices: Constellation in the northern sky near Boötes and Leo that contains a prominent cluster of galaxies and the north pole of the Milky Way, its name is Latin for 'Berenice's Hair'. [e]
- Corona Australis: Constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Telescopium and Sagittarius, its name is Latin for 'Southern Crown'. [e]
- Corona Borealis: Constellation in the Northern Hemisphere between Hercules and Boötes, its name is Latin for 'Northern Crown'. [e]
- Corvus: Constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Crater and Virgo, its name is Latin for 'Crow'. [e]
- Crater (constellation): Constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Hydra and Corvus, its name is Latin for 'mixing bowl'. [e]
- Crux: A constellation in the southern sky with 54 stars, symbolized as the Southern Cross. [e]
- Cygnus: Constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Lacerta and Lyra, containing the star Deneb, its name is Latin for 'Swan'. [e]
- Delphinus [r]: Constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Pegasus and Aquila, its name is Latin for 'Dolphin'. [e]
- Dorado [r]: Constellation of the Southern Hemisphere near Reticulum and Pictor, containing a great portion of the large Magellanic Cloud, its name is Spanish for 'dolphinfish'. [e]
- Draco (constellation) [r]: Constellation in the polar region of the Northern Hemisphere near Cepheus and Ursa Major, its name is Latin for 'Dragon'. [e]
- Equuleus [r]: Northern Hemisphere constellation near Aquarius, right ascension 21 hours, declination 10° north, its name is Latin for 'Little Horse'. [e]
- Eridanus [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Fornax [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Gemini [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Grus [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Hercules (constellation) [r]: Add brief definition or description
- History of astronomy [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Horologium [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Hydra (constellation) [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Hydrus [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Indus [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Lacerta [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Leo Minor [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Leo [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Lepus [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Libra [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Lupus [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Lynx [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Lyra [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Mensa (constellation) [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Microscopium [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Monoceros [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Musca [r]: Add brief definition or description
- Norma: Add brief definition or description
- Octans: Add brief definition or description
- Ophiuchus: Add brief definition or description
- Orion: Add brief definition or description
- Pavo: Add brief definition or description
- Pegasus: Add brief definition or description
- Perseus: Add brief definition or description
- Phoenix: Add brief definition or description
- Pictor: Add brief definition or description
- Pisces: Add brief definition or description
- Piscis Austrinus: Add brief definition or description
- Puppis: Add brief definition or description
- Pyxis: Add brief definition or description
- Reticulum: Add brief definition or description
- Sagittarius: Add brief definition or description
- Sagitta: Add brief definition or description
- Scorpius: Add brief definition or description
- Sculptor (constellation): Add brief definition or description
- Scutum: Add brief definition or description
- Serpens: Add brief definition or description
- Sextans: Add brief definition or description
- Taurus: Add brief definition or description
- Telescopium: Add brief definition or description
- Triangulum Australe: Add brief definition or description
- Triangulum: Add brief definition or description
- Tucana: Add brief definition or description
- Ursa Major: Add brief definition or description
- Ursa Minor: Add brief definition or description
- Vela: Add brief definition or description
- Virgo: Add brief definition or description
- Volans: Add brief definition or description
- Vulpecula: Add brief definition or description