Talk:Myron C. Lake

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 Definition Merchant/entrepreneur who founded Reno, Nevada. [d] [e]
Checklist and Archives
 Workgroup category History [Categories OK]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

Important Images from Reno's Earliest Days

(Click on each for details)
NHS = Nevada Historical Society, Reno
UNR = University of Nevada-Reno

~ Beginning of Lake's Crossing ~
Virginia City Territorial Enterprise
July 20, 1861, p.3 - NHS
~ Reno's Birthday ~
(unidentified Calif. newspaper) - NHS
© Photo: DeLaMare Library
~ First Map of Reno, April 1868 ~
J.R. Scupham & J.M. Graham, Central Pacific Railroad
(courtesy: NHS; DeLaMare Library, UNR)
~ Lake's Hotel Made Over ~
Nevada State Journal
November 23, 1870, p. 4
~ Lake's Bridge Looking North ca. 1870 ~
Southern Pacific Company - Nevada Historical Society
(pssst...don't forget to shake tolltaker Dan Pine's hand
as you alight. And teamsters, no funny business. have your toll ready!)