Talk:Myron C. Lake

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Revision as of 01:37, 28 January 2009 by imported>Milton Beychok (→‎Why all the redundancy? Does'nt make sense.: new section)
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 Definition Merchant/entrepreneur who founded Reno, Nevada. [d] [e]
Checklist and Archives
 Workgroup category History [Categories OK]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

Important Images from Reno's Earliest Days

(Click on each for details)
NHS = Nevada Historical Society, Reno
UNR = University of Nevada-Reno

~ Beginning of Lake's Crossing ~
Virginia City Territorial Enterprise
July 20, 1861, p.3 - NHS
~ Reno's Birthday ~
(unidentified Calif. newspaper) - NHS
© Photo: DeLaMare Library
~ First Map of Reno, April 1868 ~
J.R. Scupham & J.M. Graham, Central Pacific Railroad
(courtesy: NHS; DeLaMare Library, UNR)
~ Lake's Hotel Made Over ~
Nevada State Journal
November 23, 1870, p. 4
~ Lake's Bridge Looking North ca. 1870 ~
Southern Pacific Company - Nevada Historical Society
(pssst...don't forget to shake tolltaker Dan Pine's hand
as you alight. And teamsters, no funny business. have your toll ready!)

Why all the redundancy? Does'nt make sense.

As of now:

  • The main article has a section titled "The Deal That Made Reno" and the identical material is also in the "Addendum" subpage.
  • The "Gallery" subpage has a set of photos of historial content and the Talk page (see just above) has the idential photos again plus one other photo. That is not the purpose of Talk pages.

This does not make sense nor is it the common practice here in Citizendium. S. W. Kolterman, please let us know if you needs help in eliminating this redundancy. I am sure that there are many of us who would help you if asked. I remember how lost and confused I was by the differences when I first came here from Wikipedia. Regards, Milton Beychok 06:37, 28 January 2009 (UTC)