Necessary and sufficient

In mathematics, the phrase that some condition is "necessary and sufficient" for some other statement is frequently used, in particular, in the statement of theorems, when justifying a step in a proof, or to introduce an alternative version for a definition.
In mathematics, the phrase "necessary and sufficient" is frequently used, for instance, in the formulation of theorems, in the text of proofs when a step has to be justified, or when an alternative version for a definition is given.
To say that a statement is "necessary and sufficient" to another statement means that the statements are either both true or both false.
Another phrase with the same meaning is "if and only if"
A statement A is (a) necessary and sufficient (condition) A statement A is necessary and sufficient
is a necessary and sufficient condition
for another statement B if it is both a necessary condition and a sufficient condition for B, i.e., if the following two propositions both are true:
- A is (a) necessary (condition) for B,
The statement
- A is a necessary condition for B,
(or shorter: is necessary for) B,
means precisely the same as each of the following statements:
- B is false whenever A does not hold, or, equivalently.
- B implies A.
- If A is false then B cannot be true
- A is (a) sufficient (condition) for B,
- A is a sufficient condition for
(or shorter: is sufficient for) B,
means precisely the same as each of the following statements:
- B holds whenever A is true.
- B holds whenever A is true.
- A implies B.
For a sequence of positive real numbers to converge against a limit
- it is necessary that the sequence is bounded
- it is sufficient that the sequence is monotone decreasing
- it is necessary and sufficient that it is a Cauchy sequence.
A sequence