Talk:Line (Euclidean geometry)/Archive 1

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Rather cryptic

"The following demonstrates a line:

Given a line AC 
Point B is on AC
ABC is the same line AC"

— rather cryptic; what could it mean? Boris Tsirelson 19:39, 27 March 2010 (UTC)


Boris, could you provide a short lead? If I do it then I will probably not be allowed to approve it. Somewhere the long form "straight line" should also be mentioned. --Peter Schmitt 23:07, 11 May 2010 (UTC)

I shall try. Boris Tsirelson 05:53, 12 May 2010 (UTC)


The two conditions assume "three different points", thus the "at least" could be omitted. --Peter Schmitt 23:18, 11 May 2010 (UTC)

Sorry, I do not understand which "at least" do you mean.
"If three different points belong to the given set then at least one of them lies between the others" — if you mean this, well, I can delete "at least"; it will be a bit less formal but still clear.
"If one of three different points lies between the others, and at least two of the three points belong to the given set, then the third point also belongs to the given set" — well, really it is not mine "at least", I took it from WP (if I remember correctly). I can remove "at least", but probably the fear is that someone may say: it is contradictory, it cannot be that the number of these points on the given set is both two and three. No, after thinking more I see another fear related to Remark 3. If "at least" will be removed maybe we should say "some two of the three points" or maybe "any two of the three points"? The fear is that the reader can interpret the phrase as the weaker condition of Remark 3. Boris Tsirelson 06:27, 12 May 2010 (UTC)
First condition: For (pairwise) distinct points it will always be one point (or none). Thus the "less formal" version is equivalent and easier to read for non-mathematicians.
In the second case, too, I cannot see how "at least" may help. There is the danger that it is confused with convexity, but what has the "at least" to do with it?
I would vote for the least formal but still correct version, but I do not insist on omitting the "at least" (or any other change).
Perhaps "Among three distinct points of the given set there is always one that lies between the two others."?
Afterthought: the "distinct/different" is not needed either (even though the "at least" is then less formal).
And "If one of three distinct given points lies between the two others, and if any two of these three points belong to the given set, then the third point also belongs to the given set."
Or "If one of three given points lies between the two others, and if at least two of these three points belong to the given set, then the third point also belongs to the given set."
(Replacing the assumption "distinct" by the condition "at least"). --Peter Schmitt 10:55, 12 May 2010 (UTC)

On another matter: What about mentioning that the "betweenness" (as defined here) is related to the notion of "shortest path"? --Peter Schmitt 10:55, 12 May 2010 (UTC)

Yes, I agree, and did. I only disagree with the last version: "If one of three given points lies between the two others, and if at least two of these three points belong to the given set, then the third point also belongs to the given set." What if A=B, C is different, and A, B are on the line? Well, it seems, the matter is settled anyway. Boris Tsirelson 14:42, 12 May 2010 (UTC)
This whole article seems very poorly thought out. A line isn't necessarily a straight line. Even for straight lines, the article is far too narrow. It seems to be confined to Euclidean geometry. Straight lines can be generalized as far as projective geometry, where even the concept of betweenness doesn't apply. Peter Jackson 14:45, 12 May 2010 (UTC)
For every mathematical notion there exist generalizations (usually, already known, but at least, to appear in a future). You are welcome to extend the article (and I promise you that I always will be able to add something else). But why "very poorly thought out"? For now it is geared toward Euclidean geometry only. Is it stupid? Boris Tsirelson 14:55, 12 May 2010 (UTC)

Boris: As for the second formulation: Of course, I was sloppy (I realized my mistake just now, while listening to a talk ...)
Peter: You are right, this is about the "elementary" (basic) concept of a straight line, as in Euclidean or physical (non-relativistic) space. The lead (to be added) certainly will make this clear.
There are many valid ways in which this topic can be approached. This is one of them. It explains -- in a consistent and well-organized way -- "line" based on the intuitive concept of length. I would have written a very different article (and, may be, some time in the future I will). There is only one mathematics, but it can be told in many different stories.
Of course, there are generalizations of the line concept (projective, geodesic, combinatorial, etc.), but it is a bad idea to treat them all in a single article (except, perhaps, in a survey on the idea of a line). Pages should always have a digestable length.
--Peter Schmitt 15:38, 12 May 2010 (UTC)

It intrigues me that you would have written a very different article; I'll be glad to look if this will happen. Boris Tsirelson 15:54, 12 May 2010 (UTC)

Definition via right angles

A link to Pythagorean theorem seems to be appropriate. --Peter Schmitt 23:41, 11 May 2010 (UTC)

Done. Boris Tsirelson 06:11, 12 May 2010 (UTC)


Some lead is written; please look. (I do not think I am a good leadwriter.) Boris Tsirelson 15:52, 12 May 2010 (UTC)


In the caption: the figure shows only a part of a line. --Peter Schmitt 23:03, 13 May 2010 (UTC)