Revision as of 09:06, 6 June 2009 by imported>Caesar Schinas
My Background
I am the Reader in Human Evolution and the Public Understanding of Science at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg South Africa. I hold adjunct Professorial positions in the Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy at Duke University and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Arkansas.
I have conducted numerous expeditions as an Explorer for National Geographic and I was winner of the Society's first Research and Exploration Prize in 1997. You can read more about me at my website.
I am an active author and editor in CZ, am active in the CZ:Eduzendium project and serve on the Internal CZ Executive Committee.

Where Lee lives it is approximately: 09:28
Articles I have started
Ape, Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus africanus sites, Black and white ruffed lemur, Black lemur, Common brown lemur, Compass, Coopers Cave, Cradle of humankind, East African fossil sites, Excavation, Fossil hominin species, Gladysvale Cave, Gondolin Cave, Haasgat Cave, Hoedjiespunt, Homo habilis, Hominid, Hominin, Indri, Kromdraai Cave, Kruger park, Lanner Gorge, Lemur, List of African archeological sites, Anthropology/Catalogs/Anthropologists, List of notable archeologists, List of notable paleoanthropologists, List of notable primatologists, List of notable linguists, List of notable sociologists, Makuleke, Monkey, Motsetse Cave, Palau, Paleoanthropology in Africa (history), Paleoanthropology in South Africa, Paranthropus robustus, Paranthropus robustus sites, Plovers Lake Cave, Primate, Primate/Gallery, Prosimian, Paleoanthropology_in_South_Africa/Catalogs/Fossil_sites, Sterkfontein cave, Swartkrans Cave, Taung child, Woolly lemur
To see articles that need work in the Anthropology section go to the CZ:Anthropology Workgroup
Lee R. Berger Status last updated [edit plan here]
Get your own infobox! • Group Status
~ Plans ~
1. Create draft points for EZ at correspondence universities |
2. Initiate 2008 EZ at own Univ. |
3. Finish Palau island article and write up in draft Palau science announcement for CZ |
4. follow up on Kuhn Hyena articles |
1. Ramp up EZ to meet Larry's 5000 articles in 6 months |
2. Explore fundraising opportunities for CZ |
3. Convince Larry of need for citation of articles by author |
~ Roles and notes ~
1. Member Int. Exec. |
2. Anthropology Editor |
3. Author |
- Click edit above to start these notes
Public notes :
Anthropology Workgroup Status last updated [edit plan here]
~ Plans ~
1. Create Palau page |
2. Finish Palau page |
~ Roles and Notes ~
- Click edit above to start this list
- Click edit above to start these notes
Public notes: