
A collage is similar to a mosaic in that fragments or pieces are arranged in such a way to create a more complete or central image. In a collage, however, many different image sources or materials may be used; a mosiac uses the same type of material throughout.
The typical collage is assembled from samples taken from magazines, newspapers, artwork, books, or other print sources. The samples usually contain a texture or an image which is employed as a part of the collage as something else or as that image in it's context. For example, a collage may use a picture of a mountain to create the illusion of a mountain without actually making a mountain shape. Alternatively, a sample of a picture of animal fur may be cut out in the shape of a hat or gloves in order to represent gloves actually made of fur. More creatively, many different sources of fur images may be assembled in such a way that the total collection represents a depiction of a furry animal.