The Troubles (Ireland)/Timelines
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Timeline of The Troubles in Northern Ireland
1962: Due to lack of support, the IRA calls off their campaign of violence
1964: Patricia McCluskey forms the Campaign for Social Justice
1966: A Catholic man is murdered by paramilitaries calling themselves the "Ulster Volunteer Force" (UVF); Gusty Spence is later found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder; the UVF is proscribed by the Northern Ireland government shortly after
1967: The Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) is founded
March: The Derry Housing Action Committee begin a series of protests to against alleged discrimination against Catholics as regards to housing
June: A group of people squat in a house in Caledon, County Tyrone in protest at the allocation of a house to a single Protestant over Roman Catholic families. Amongst the squatters is Nationalist MP, Austin Currie.
October: A demonstration march planned by the Derry Housing Action Committee proceeds, despite a ban by the government; NICRA reluctantly back the march; the march ends in violence with much of it being captured on film and televised; a march of student of mixed religious background takes place in Belfast, leading to the formation of the Peoples' Democracy (PD)
November: Terence O’Neill introduces a five-point plan aimed at addressing some of the concerns expressed by NICRA; a civil rights march takes place in Armagh at which some 2,000 loyalists turn up to counter-protest; the loyalists are searched by police who uncover two revolvers and many improvised weapons
December: O’Neill makes his “Ulster stands at the crossroads” speech, in a televised appeal to the people of Northern Ireland; In response, the DCAC, NICRA and the Nationalist Party call off further street protests; William Craig is sacked from his position in government as a result of attacking O’Neill’s speech
January: Against the advice of NICRA, the PD began a march from Belfast, which culminated in an attack by loyalists at Burntollet Bridge near Londonderry
February: Ian Paisley stands for election against O'Neill in the Bannside constituency gaining a significant minority, but ultimately losing
March: A series of explosions are set off by the UVF at various public utilities across Northern Ireland in a bid to destabilise the O'Neill government and stop O'Neill's plans for reform. The campaign continues throughout the following month and the Provisional IRA are initially blamed for the incidents
April: Bernadette Devlin of the PD stands for and wins a by-election in Mid-Ulster, becoming the youngest woman ever elected to Westminster at the age of 21; 1,500 soldiers are put on duty to guard against attacks on public buildings and utilities; the Northern Ireland government announces the introduction of universal adult suffrage for local government elections; O'Neill resigns as Prime Minister
May: James Chichester-Clark succeeds O'Neill as Prime Minister and announces that he will continue plans for reform
July: Francis McCloskey dies one day following being struck on the head by a police baton during street rioting in Dungiven. He is the first civilian to die as a direct result of the Troubles, and his death comes to be regarded as the first of the Troubles
August: Soldiers reinforce an exhausted police force throughout Northern Ireland and are initially well-received in Roman Catholic areas; Gerald McCauley, 15, becomes the first member of the IRA to be killed during the Troubles; the Electoral Law Act (NI) is passed which reduces the age of voting to 18 and introduces universal adult suffrage ("one man, one vote"); the British government issue a policy statement known as the Downing Street Declaration; the Northern Ireland government initiates a tribunal known as the Scarman Report
September: Chichester-Clark announces the erection in parts of Belfast of the first 'peace-lines'; the report of the Cameron Commission is published
October: The reserve police force, the B Specials, are announced as being disbanded; Victor Arbuckle becomes the first policeman to be killed as a result of the Troubles
December: Legislation is installed at Westminster for the creation of the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR); The IRA "Provisional Army Council" announce a split, with Sinn Féin openly splitting some days later near the beginning of the following month
April: Paisley contests Bannside again, and wins; the moderate and cross-religious Alliance Party is formed; B Specials disbanded
June: MP Bernadette Devlin is arrested for her part in rioting in Londonderry, and jailed for six months - rioting breaks out in both Derry and Belfast as a result of the news; A member of the Provisional IRA kills two other members and his two young daughters when the bomb he is making explodes prematurely. The girls become the first female victims of the Troubles; The IRA take up position in a Roman Catholic church and begin firing into the Newtownards Road. Five Protestants and one Catholic are shot dead
July: A search of the Lower Falls by security forces uncover 100 firearms, 100 home-made bombs, 250 lbs of explosives and 21,000 rounds of ammunition
August: Rubber bullets are introduced by the British Army for riot control; Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) is founded
November: Northern Ireland Housing Executive created
February: Loyalist vigilantes consolidate to form the Ulster Defence Association; Gunner Robert Curtis is shot dead by Billy Reid of the Provisional IRA, becoming the first soldier to be killed in the Troubles (Reid is killed by the British Army some months later, ironically on Curtis Street in Belfast)
August: Loyalist vigilantes consolidate to form the Ulster Defence Association
October: Paisley and Desmond Boal announce the formation of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), splitting the Ulster Unionist Party in the process