CZ:(U00984) Appetite and Obesity, University of Edinburgh 2010/Template article

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This page was started in the framework of an Eduzendium course and needs to be assessed for quality. If this is done, this {{EZnotice}} can be removed. The {{subpages}} template is designed to be used within article clusters and their related pages.
It will not function on CZ pages.

A brief overview of the scope of the article on interest group. Include the article name in bold in the first sentence.[1]

The following list of sections should serve as a loose guideline for developing the body of your article. The works cited in references 2-5 are given as a formatting model for your citations.

Title of Part 1

Title of Subpart 1

To insert references and/or footnotes in an article, put the material you want in the reference or footnote between <ref> and </ref>, like this:

<ref>Person A ''et al.''(2010) The perfect reference for subpart 1 ''J Neuroendocrinol'' 36:36-52</ref> <ref>Author A, Author B (2009) Another perfect reference ''J Neuroendocrinol'' 25:262-9</ref>.

Look at the reference list below to see how this will look.[2] [3]

If there are more than two authors just put the first author followed by et al. (Person A at al. (2010) etc.)

Select your references carefully - and make sure they are cited accurately. Your references should be available on PubMed and so will have a PubMed number. (for example PMID: 17011504) Writing this without the colon, (i.e. just writing PMID 17011504) will automatically insert a link to the abstract on PubMed (see the reference to Johnsone et al. in the list.) [4]

Title of Subpart 2

You can also insert diagrams or photographs (see Help on Uploading files). These must be your own original work - and you will therefore be the copyright holders; of course they may be based on or adapted from diagrams produced by others - in which case this must be declared clearly, and the source of the orinal idea must be cited.

When you insert a figure or diagram into your article you must fill out a form in which you state that you are the copyright holder and that you are willing to allow your work to be freely used by others.

Title of Part 2

Title of Part 3

Use references sparingly; there's no need to reference every single point, and often a good review will cover several points. However sometimes you will need to use the same reference more than once.

How to write the same reference twice:

reference: Berridge KC (2007) The debate over dopamine’s role in reward: the case for incentive salience. Psychopharmacology 191:391–431 PMID 17072591

First time: <ref name=Berridge07>Berridge KC (2007) The debate over dopamine’s role in reward: the case for incentive salience. ''Psychopharmacology'' 191:391–431 PMID 17072591 </ref>

reference used a second time:

<ref name=Berridge07/>

This will appear like this the first time [5] and like this the second time [5]


  1. See the "Writing an Encyclopedia Article" handout for more details.
  2. Person A et al. (2010) The perfect reference for subpart 1 J Neuroendocrinol 36:36-52
  3. Author A, Author B (2009) Another perfect reference J Neuroendocrinol 25:262-9
  4. Johnstone LE et al. (2006)Neuronal activation in the hypothalamus and brainstem during feeding in rats Cell Metab 2006 4:313-21. PMID 17011504
  5. 5.0 5.1 Berridge KC (2007) The debate over dopamine’s role in reward: the case for incentive salience. Psychopharmacology 191:391–431 PMID 17072591