Hernán Abriata

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Hernán Abriata
Hernán Abriata, desaparecidos -a.jpg
Born 1951-12-13
Died 1977-01-05[1][2]
Occupation student
Known for covertly murdered by security officials

Hernán Abriata was an Argentinian architecture student who was secretly kidnapped and murdered in 1976, during Argentina's "Dirty War".[3][4]

In December 2022 former policeman Mario Sandoval was convicted for playing a role in his murder-kidnapping.[3] Sandoval received a 15 year sentence.

Abriata married in 1976.[2] He shared a cell at the ESMA torture center with Carlos Loza, one of only 100 surviving desaparecidos.[4] Loza testified, at Sandoval's trial, that Abriata was "transferred" on January 5, 1977.[1] The Guardian explained, for its readers, that, in this case, "transfer" meant extrajudicial execution.


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Sam Jones. Suspected Argentinian torturer who taught at Sorbonne extradited by France, The Guardian, 2019-12-16. Retrieved on 2022-12-23. “Carlos Loza, a friend of Abriata and a fellow detainee at the Esma, told a judge that Abriata was tortured several times. Loza said the last time he saw Abriata “was between 4 and 5 January 1977”, adding that he was being “transferred” – a euphemism for being taken away to be executed.”
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Carlos Loza. Hernán Abriata: Nació el 13 de Diciembre de 1951 - Desapareció el 20 de octubre de 1976, desaparecidos. Retrieved on 2022-12-22. (in Spanish) “Era estudiante de la FADU/UBA. Estuvo detenido en la ESMA, donde fue visto por Carlos Loza. Allí fue torturado.”
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Vanessa Buschschlüter. Mario Sandoval: Notorious Argentine torturer jailed, BBC News, 2022-12-22. Retrieved on 2022-12-22. “Argentine former police officer Mario Sandoval attends the beginning of his trial over the disappearance of a student at the federal courts in Buenos Aires, on September 14, 2022.”
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Josh Salisbury. Mario Sandoval: Ex-policeman who worked at notorious Argentine torture centre jailed, The Standard, 2022-12-22. Retrieved on 2022-12-22.