Thomas Kevill (fireboat)

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Norfolk Fire - Rescue Fireboat 1 - Thomas Kevill (48026670356).jpg

The Thomas Kevill is a civilian fireboat commissioned in Norfolk, Virginia in 2013.[1][2] Norfolk is host to one of the US Navy's major ports.

She is named after Norfolk's first fire chief.[2]

She is 36 feet long, and powered by a pair of 250 shp outboard motors.[2] Her top speed is 40 knots. She mounts two remote controlled water cannons.

The vessel is named after Thomas Kevill, a firefighter who served on the CSS Virginia in the Confederate Navy at the Battle of Hampton Roads.[3][4] Kevill had commanded a company of volunteer firefighters, in Norfolk, prior to the American Civil War. The firefighters who served under him were prepared to enlist in the Confederate Army, provided Kevill was their officer. They formed an artillery unit, but were transferred to the Navy, when it could not find enough gunners. After the war Kevill returned to firefighting, and became the Norfolk fire department's first paid Chief.

See also


  1. Steve Earley. Photos, Virginia Pilot, 2013-06-22. Retrieved on 2019-09-10.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Roy Bahls. Norfolk's newest fireboat named for city's first fire chief, Virginia Pilot, 2013-06-23. Retrieved on 2019-09-10.
  3. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named namesakeKevill
  4. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named IroncladRevolution