Julius Caesar/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Julius Caesar.
See also changes related to Julius Caesar, or pages that link to Julius Caesar or to this page or whose text contains "Julius Caesar".

Parent topics

  • Ancient Rome [r]: The most powerful empire of the ancient world. [e]
  • History [r]: Study of past human events based on evidence such as written documents. [e]
  • Military history [r]: The study of armed conflict between nations or other identifiable groups, and the many components, background factors, and implications and impact of those conflicts on nations, individuals and perceptions. [e]


  • Caesar cipher [r]: One of the first ciphers, developed by Julius Caesar [e]
  • De analogia [r]: Two books of a grammatical work on the Latin language written by Julius Caesar and dedicated to Cicero. [e]
  • Flamen Divi Iulii [r]: The high priest of the cult surrounding the divinized Julius Caesar. [e]
  • Gaius Iulius Caesar (name) [r]: A prominent name of the gens Iulia since Roman Republican times, borne by a number of figures from history, most notably the dictator Julius Caesar. [e]
  • Iter [r]: Julius Caesar's travel poem. [e]
  • Laudatio Iuliae amitae [r]: A well-known funeral oration that Julius Caesar held in 68 BC to honor his deceased aunt Iulia. [e]

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