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Treatment modality matrix for addictions

Treatment Modality Matrix
behavioural Pattern Intervention Goals
Low self esteem, anxiety, verbal hostility Relationship therapy, client centered approach Increase self esteem, reduce hostility and anxiety
Defective personal constructs, ignorance of interpersonal means Cognitive restructuring including directive and group therapies Insight
Focal anxiety such as fear of crowds Desensitization Change response to same cue
Undesirable behaviours, lacking appropriate behaviours Aversive conditioning, operant conditioning, counter conditioning Eliminate or replace behaviour
Lack of information Provide information Have client act on information
Difficult social circumstances Organizational intervention, environmental manipulation, family counselling Remove cause of social difficulty
Poor social performance, rigid interpersonal behaviour Sensitivity training, communication training, group therapy Increase interpersonal repertoire, desensitization to group functioning
Grossly bizarre behaviour Medical referral Protect from society, prepare for further treatment
Adapted from: Essentials of Clinical Dependency Counseling, Aspen Publishers