Amy Khor

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Amy Khor
Other names 许连碹
Born 1956
Occupation Politician
Political party People's Action Party

Amy Khor Lean Suan is a Malaysian-born Singaporean politician and a People's Action Party (PAP) member.


Water cost in Singapore

In Singapore, water has always been a strategic cornerstone. Over six decades, our dedication to expanding our water resources through the 4 National Taps has been unyielding.

Steady investments in infrastructure and technologies have made this possible. By right-pricing water, we’ve managed to sustain these investments financially.

Innovative technologies can only moderate these costs to a degree. Such costs will inevitably be incorporated into our water prices. Right-pricing, while expanding our water supply and regulating demand, ensures enduring water security for present and future generations.

— Amy Khor, September 2023

On September 2023, Amy Khor made a statement forewarned the anticipated increase in the cost of water delivery in Singapore would impact the country’s water prices. It eventually resulted in public criticism on the PAP government for effortlessly raises prices, leaving ordinary citizens to bear the financial burden. An individual also questioning the government’s rationale of inflating the prices of public services and essential utilities in the name of efficiency, and considering it as “cruel and disingenuous”.[1]

Egg hoarding controversy

On 10 April 2020, Amy Khor made a Facebook post with a photo of her and multiple trays of eggs at her home. She deleted the post on 11 April 2020 after her post drew criticism for hoarding eggs. She made a new post on 11 April 2023 claiming that she have large family of seven members and her family uses eggs on a daily basis. She also claim that one of her friends is a farmer and had brought the family extra eggs and vegetables to share with the family last week.[2]
