CZ:Philosophy Workgroup/Philosophy Week/Blogs

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Philosophy Week blog sign-up sheet

Please expand and maintain this record of our efforts to solicit announcements of Philosophy Week by bloggers!

You can add any Philosophy-related blog to this table. Please focus first on the biggest and most important, but all are fair game. Please do not bother people with blogs that are unrelated to Philosophy.

Blog name Blog address Blogger name Contact info (Web form or e-mail) Announcement sent to blogger Start-of-week reminder sent to blogger Volunteer
Leiter Reports Britain Leiter No No
Notes: notes here
Practical Ethics News Julian Savulescu (among others) No No
Notes: notes here
PEA Soup No No
Notes: notes here

To add to the list, copy the following template and paste it above |} .

|<!-- Write blog name --> name
|<!-- Write blog address --> address
|<!-- Write name of blogger (if known) --> blogger name
|<!-- Write blogger's "contact page" address or e-mail address --> contact info
|<!-- Was announcement sent to blogger yet? (Yes or No) --> No
|<!-- Was a start-of-week reminder sent to the blogger? (Yes or No) --> No
|<!-- To volunteer to do the above, write your name, i.e., ~~~ --> sign
|colspan=6|<!-- General notes --> notes here