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Properties of Helium
Atomic_symbol: Hee
Atomic number: 2e
Atomic mass: 4.002602(2)e
Standard phase: Gase
Elemental Class: Noble gase
Electronegativity: n/ae
Density: 0.1785g/Le
Molar volume: 31.8 cm3/mole
Melting point: -272.2 °C e
Boiling point: -268.93 °C e
Heat of fusion: 5.23 kJ·mol−1e
Heat of vaporization: 0.083 kJ·mol−1e
Crystal structure: Hexagonale
Atomic radius: 0.49Åe
Covalent radius: 0.93Åe
Thermal conductivity: 0.00152 W/cmKe
Note: Please see template {{Props}} for instructions on adding new properties of Helium to this table.