Party system/Bibliography
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Bibliography: US
- Bartley, Numan V. "Voters and Party Systems: A Review of the Recent Literature," The History Teacher, Vol. 8, No. 3 (May, 1975), pp. 452-469. online at JSTOR
- Beck, Paul Allen. "Micropolitics in Macro Perspective: the Political History of Walter Dean Burnham." Social Science History 1986 10(3): 221-245. Issn: 0145-5532 Fulltext in Jstor
- Brady, David, and Joseph Stewart, Jr. "Congressional Party Realignment and Transformations of Public Policy in Three Realignment Eras," American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 26, No. 2 (May, 1982), pp. 333-360 online at JSTOR Looks at links among cross-cutting issues, electoral realignments, the U.S. House and public policy changes during the Civil War, 1890s and New Deal realignments. In each case the policy changes are voted through by a partisan "new" majority party. The Civil War and 1890s realignments were more polarized than was the New Deal realignment, and the extent of party structuring of issue dimensions was greater.
- Chambers, William Nisbet, and Walter Dean Burnham, eds. The American Party Systems. Stages of Political Development, (1967)
- Chambers, William Nisbet. Political Parties in a New Nation: The American Experience, 1776–1809 (1963)
- Gershtenson, Joseph. "Mobilization Strategies of the Democrats and Republicans, 1956-2000" Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 56, No. 3, 293-308 (2003)
- Hofstadter, Richard. The Idea of a Party System: The Rise of Legitimate Opposition in the United States, 1780-1840 (1970) excerpt and text search
- James, Scott C. Presidents, Parties, and the State: A Party System Perspective on Democratic Regulatory Choice, 1884-1936 (2000)
- Jensen, Richard. "American Election Analysis: A Case History of Methodological Innovation and Diffusion," in S. M. Lipset, ed, Politics and the Social Sciences (Oxford University Press, 1969), 226-43.
- Jensen, Richard. "History and the Political Scientist," in S. M. Lipset, ed, Politics and the Social Sciences (Oxford University Press, 1969), , 1-28.
- Jensen, Richard. "Historiography of Political History," in Jack Greene ed., Encyclopedia of American Political History (Scribners, 1984), 1:1-25. online
- Jensen, Richard. "The Changing Shape of Burnham`s Political Universe," Social Science History 10 (1986) 209-19 Issn: 0145-5532 Fulltext in Jstor
- Kleppner, Paul ed. The Evolution of American Electoral Systems (1981)
- Renda, Lex. "Richard P. McCormick and the Second American Party System." Reviews in American History (1995) 23(2): 378-389. Issn: 0048-7511 Fulltext in Project Muse.
- Sundquist, James L. Dynamics of the Party System: Alignment and Realignment of Political Parties in the United States], (1983) online edition
external links
National ands regional studies
- Daalder, H. and Peter Mair, eds. Western European Party Systems: Continuity and Change (1983)
- Hrebenar, Ronald J. Japan's New Party System (2000) online edition
- Lawrence, Ezrow. "The Variance Matters: How Party Systems Represent the Preferences of Voters." Journal of Politics 2007 69(1): 182-192. Issn: 0022-3816 Fulltext: Blackwell-Synergy
- Lewis, Paul G., and Paul Webb, eds. Pan-European Perspectives on Party Politics (2003)
- Mainwaring, Scott, and Timothy R. Scully. Building Democratic Institutions: Party Systems in Latin America (1996) excerpt and text search
- Mair, Peter, ed. The West European Party System (1990) online excerpt pp. 302-310
- Moore, Tod, Sandra Bourke & Graham Maddox. "Australia and the Emergence of the Modern Two-Party System," Australian Journal of Politics & History, (Mar 1998) 44#1 pp 17-31, in Blackwell-Synergy
- Walch, James. Faction and Front: Party Systems in South India (1976)
- Bickerton, James, and Alain-G. Gagnon, eds. Canadian Politics (4th ed 2004)
- Meisel, John. "Fashioning the Fourth Party System: Canada 1993, 1997, 2000 ...", Government and Opposition, (2001) 36#3, ppe 423-435, in Blackwell-Synergy
Comparative and theoretical
- Bartolini, S. and Mair, P. Identity, Competition, and Electoral Availability: The Stabilization of European Electorates 1885-1985 (1990)
- Caramani, Daniele. "The Formation of National Party Systems in Europe: a Comparative-historical Analysis." Scandinavian Political Studies 2005 28(4): 295-322. Issn: 0080-6757 Fulltext: Ebsco
- Chhibber, Pradeep, and Ken Kollman. The Formation of National Party Systems: Federalism and Party Competition in Canada, Great Britain, India, and the United States. (2004). 276 pp. excerpt and text search
- Dalton, R. J. and M. P. Wattenberg. Parties without Partisans: Political Change in Advanced Industrial Democracies (2000)
- Drummond, Andrew J. "Electoral Volatility and Party Decline in Western Democracies: 1970-1995." Political Studies 2006 54(3): 628-647. Issn: 0032-3217 Fulltext: Blackwell-Synergy
- Farrell, David M. Comparing Electoral Systems (London: Macmillan, 1998) online excerpt
- Inglehart, Ronald. Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, Economic and Political Change in 43 Societies (1997)
- Karvonen, Lauri, and Stein Kuhnle, eds. Party Systems and Voter Alignments Revisited (2000) online edition
- Lijphart, Arend. Electoral Systems and Party Systems: A Study of Twenty-Seven Democracies, 1945-1990 (1995) excerpt and text search; complete edition online
- Seymour M. Lipset and Stein Rokkan, eds. Party Systems And Voter Alignments (1967)
- Mair, Peter, ed. Party System Change. Approaches and Interpretations (1997)
- Michels, Robert. Political Parties: A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical tendencies of Modern Democracy (1911) complete online edition
- Negretto, Gabriel L. "Choosing How to Choose Presidents: Parties, Military Rulers, and Presidential Elections in Latin America." Journal of Politics 2006 68(2): 421-433. Issn: 0022-3816 Fulltext: Blackwell-Synergy
- Rae, Duncan. The Political Consequences of Electoral Laws, (1971)
- Rommele, Andrea, David M. Farrell, and Piero Ignazi. Political Parties and Political Systems: The Concept of Linkage Revisited (2005) excerpt and text search
- Rose, Richard, and Derek W. Unwin, "Persistence and Change in Western Party Systems Since 1945," Political Studies 18 (September 1970): 287-319
- Sartori, Giovanni. Parties and Party Systems: A framework for analysis (1976; reprint 2005), classic theoretical model
- Sartori, Giovanni. "Party Types, Organisation and Functions." West European Politics 2005 28(1): 1-32. Issn: 0140-2382 Fulltext: Ebsco
- Schumpeter, Joseph. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (1942' 3rd ed. 1950) excerpt and text search
- Webb, Paul, David M. Farrell, and Ian Holliday. Political Parties in Advanced Industrial Democracies (2003) excerpt and text search