Talk:Cost-benefit analysis

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 Definition A method of evaluating projects that takes account of the preferences of those affected. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories Health Sciences and Economics [Please add or review categories]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

Increased coverage

There is a great deal more that needs to be said about the theoretical limitations and practical application of cost-benefit analysis, but I do not wish to interfere if further work on this article is planned. If not, I may shortly add some further material - an outline of which I will set out in advance if anyone wishes. In any case, I propose to do some drafting concerning its grounding in welfare economics in the article on that subject. Nick Gardner 03:48, 11 April 2008 (CDT)

Proposed redraft

In view of the absence of objections to my earlier proposal, I now intend to undertake an extensive redraft of this article.

I have already replaced the opening statement with a more general summary. I have also inserted a draft paragraph structure. Those provisional changes give some indication of what I have in mind. The material in the original paragraphs can be incorporated in the new structure as the drafting proceeds.

Comments would be welcome.

Nick Gardner 09:01, 18 June 2010 (UTC)