Talk:Fossilization (language acquisition)

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 Definition loss of progress in second language acquisition, where learners no longer move towards native-like ability in the second language, often despite constant exposure to it. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup category Linguistics [Categories OK]
 Subgroup category:  Language Acquisition
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

Simple hypothesis

Perhaps the simplest explanation for fossilisation is that once the learner can achieve his/her communicative goals in the L2, there is little reason either for him/her to learn more or for others to provide correction and feedback. I'd say the article should at least mention this hypothesis. Sandy Harris 01:06, 20 October 2011 (UTC)

The phenomenon really refers to a freeze in progress regardless of what the learner does or doesn't do, and consequent resistance to explicit or implicit correction, as opposed to learners not developing fluency simply because they no longer need to learn more, i.e. it's some sort of psycholinguistic or cognitive effect rather than a consequence of low exposure or need to use the language. John Stephenson 15:41, 7 May 2012 (UTC)