Talk:Imagery intelligence

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 Definition the practice of taking and interpreting visible and infrared light photographs and video, radar imagery, and other ways to form pictures of subjects of interest [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories Military and Engineering [Please add or review categories]
 Subgroup categories:  Intelligence and Imagery intelligence
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

Should imaging radar go here?

Traditional tracking radars properly belong in Radar MASINT, but should inverse synthetic aperture and/or synthetic aperture radar move here?Howard C. Berkowitz 12:39, 11 May 2008 (CDT)

Resolution and processing

While there is a discussion of theoretical optical resolution in the Wikipedia article, I've been hesitant to clone that, because it appears to deal with the subset of the problem that assumes a single-point image receiver instantaneously pointing to a spot on Earth. Even in some of the later film-based satellites, the film plane was not a point, but pivoted such that it maintained a longer spatial-temporal relationship with the target, rather like a synthetic aperture technique. I don't know how to compute this. Would anyone like to take this on? Howard C. Berkowitz 12:39, 11 May 2008 (CDT)