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To learn how to update the categories for this article, see here. To update categories, edit the metadata template.
 Definition Bone marrow cell with a lobulate nucleus, responsible for the production of blood thrombocytes, which are necessary for normal blood clotting. [d] [e]
Checklist and Archives
 Workgroup categories Biology and Health Sciences [Categories OK]
 Subgroup category:  Hematology
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

Plan for rewriting article

At the present time, this article is imported as an "immunology stub" from wikipedia. I do not think it should be classified as immunology, but being totally naive about the wikilink situation, I let that go for others to address. Authors might work on making this a coherent and plainly understandable essay on megakaryocytes, what they are, where they come from, how they produce platelets, how they fit in to the idea of a stem cell -> more differentiated cell -> end differentiation. For starters. Nancy Sculerati MD 12:43, 29 December 2006 (CST)


I removed fr:Mégacaryocyte pt:Megacariócito tr:Megakaryosit because they come up in "no link" red and they keep interfering with text. Nancy Sculerati MD 12:57, 29 December 2006 (CST)

I also removed Template:Blood. I myself can't make anything particularly sensible out of this info box. Perhaps we at CZ will modify it in the future, but I think it misleads more than it clarifies and so I took it out. Nancy Sculerati MD 12:57, 29 December 2006 (CST)

I'm added the Health Science Workgroup and the Biology Workgroup categories to this article. Make sure you add these categories when writing articles related to our workgroups so we can keep this information organized! -Tom Kelly (Talk) 13:25, 15 February 2007 (CST)

Evolutionarly paths

The sequence here, The developmental stages of the megakaryocyte is: CFU-Me (pluripotent hemopoietic stem cell or hemocytoblast) -> megakaryoblast -> promegakaryocyte -> megakaryocyte.

seems to differ in stages and terminology from MeSH:

   Bone Marrow Cells [A11.148]				
     Hematopoietic Stem Cells [A11.148.378]				
        Myeloid Progenitor Cells [A11.148.378.590]				
           Erythroid Progenitor Cells [A11.148.378.590.249]				
       Erythroblasts [A11.148.378.590.249.200]   			
       Megakaryocytes [A11.148.378.590.249.480]			
       Reticulocytes [A11.148.378.590.249.760]

Should we be consistent? It does appear that a cell is not pluripotent or hematopoetic but one or the otheer. I recognize I used pluripotent stem cells in the discussion of Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor? I have tried to make capitalization consistent


Hematopoietic Cell Growth Factors [D23.529.374.410]				
      Colony-Stimulating Factors [D23.529.374.410.240]				
   Colony-Stimulating Factors, Recombinant [D23.529.374.410.240.075]   			
     Erythropoietin [D23.529.374.410.240.150]  			
     Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor [D23.529.374.410.240.350]   			
     Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor [D23.529.374.410.240.375]			
         Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating gactors, Recombinant [D23.529.374.410.240.375.275]

Howard C. Berkowitz 10:36, 8 November 2008 (UTC)