Talk:Moving panorama

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 Definition Form of visual entertainment in the nineteenth century, utilising contiguous views of passing scenery, as if seen from a boat or a train window. [d] [e]
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 Workgroup categories Visual Arts and Media [Categories OK]
 Talk Archive none  English language variant British English

One of FDL's little twists: I wrote this entry for CZ; it was later copied it to WP; the WP article was subsequently expanded & edited (including a merge with their entry for "Myriorama" and a disarticulation page for that term), and now the vigilant CZ folks have noted that, indeed, there is still some identical content! True enough, but what ought to happen is that the WP article should be tagged as "includes content originally from Citizendium!" Russell Potter 06:38, 11 April 2007 (CDT)

Russell, is this not media as well as visual arts? Wasn't this a form of entertainment and education, like a slide show or lantern show would be? Nancy Sculerati 02:32, 10 June 2007 (CDT)
Hi Nancy -- yes, thanks for mentioning that; I'd meant to tag it for Media as well. It and the "parent" entry for Panoramic painting in general, are both "early media" -- nineteenth century "edutainment" indeed! Russell Potter 09:30, 10 June 2007 (CDT)

Thanks, for that word! I would love to see an actual panorama here. I wish I was good enough to do the animation. Nancy Sculerati 10:30, 10 June 2007 (CDT)

Nancy, that's a fabulous idea about animation -- or perhaps at least a scrollable window? The WP entry on Panoramic Painting has an image of "Panorama of Along the River During Ching Ming Festival, 18th century" which appears in a scrollable window. Maybe the tech folks here could mimic their template? It's not an urgent matter, but at some point it would be a great thing to have in this entry. Russell Potter 10:43, 10 June 2007 (CDT)

Template:Wide image I copied the code- you can see it if you hit edit. I don't know about this stuff. You could e-mail and ask them, also Chris Day is generally brilliant about wikicode. Nancy Sculerati 10:47, 10 June 2007 (CDT)

some references- with notes

Miller, Angela L. The Panorama, the Cinema and the Emergence of the Spectacular Wide Angle - Volume 18, Number 2, April 1996, pp. 34-69 - Article

She makes the case that the moving panorama was the antecedent to the cinema.

"On the continent, the moving panorama and related forms never enjoyed the popularity of their stationary cousins. Instead, they found a long-lived audience in Britain and the U.S. The first so-called "changing panoramas" appeared in 1800 on the English stage, forming backdrops to theatrical productions. 6 By the early 1800s they were appearing as distinct entertainments featuring scenic and exotic excursions, and military spectacles such as the "Battle of Algiers." First termed "moving pictures," moving panoramas made their appearance in the U.S. and England around the same time; among the earliest recorded references is to the "Moving Panorama" of the Marshall [End Page 36] [Begin Page 38] Brothers in 1825. Though interest in the form waned, moving panoramas of excursions down the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers inspired a vigorous revival in the late 1840s; works from this period toured the U.S., Britain, and the continent, and, while dominated by British and American productions, included a handful of French examples. Despite competition from the cyclorama revival beginning in the 1880s, examples of the moving panorama could still be seen after 1900. 7" Nancy Sculerati 12:03, 10 June 2007 (CDT)

Hi Nancy. Yes, the Miller article is a great one -- I have a copy here on my shelf! -- thanks for the reminder of this as a reference. Russell Potter 12:09, 10 June 2007 (CDT)

I thought it might be fun to collaborate, though I know nothing, I like to read. You may have had, on the other hand, all the "collaboration" that you can stomach at the moment. Let me know.;-) Nancy Sculerati 12:16, 10 June 2007 (CDT)

I'd be delighted if you'd like to lend a hand here. My problem is most likely that I have an overabundance of information, after many years studying this phenomenon; you could be of great help in seeing where more -- and where less -- may be needed. I may very likely be a bit myopic in places. It's a fascinating phenomenon, much neglected by art historians; there are good resources scattered about on the web, but here I think CZ could provide a much stronger entry than WP has. Russell Potter 12:29, 10 June 2007 (CDT)

I have access through my institutions's library to full text articles on line, and am not restricted to "the eb" per say, but let me let you do more, and I'll read, too, so I might be able to be helpful. Nancy Sculerati 12:32, 10 June 2007 (CDT)

Great! You can find some good stuff on JSTOR and similar resources; look for entries by people like Miller, Ralph Hyde, Stephan Oetterman, and my good friend Erkki Huhtamo. Also, if could ask a favor, could you add the following to the bibliography or links sections -- since these are my own, I should not do so:
  • Russell Potter and Douglas Wamsley: "The Sublime yet Awful Grandeur: The Arctic Panoramas of Elisha Kent Kane." The Polar Record 35:194 [July 1999]
  • Russell Potter, The Arctic Panoramas of Elisha Kent Kane

Lastly, have a look at this -- I have written to seek permission, as I think it would be a fabulous illustration. Cheers, Russell Potter 12:42, 10 June 2007 (CDT)