Talk:Toxic, infectious or radiological compounds

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 Definition (TIM) Hazardous materials, in solid, liquid, aerosolized, or gaseous form; it can also stand for toxic industrial material, which be used or stored for use for industrial, commercial, medical, military or domestic purposes, and released with an improvised explosive device or tampering with containers and used for terrorism [d] [e]
Checklist and Archives
 Workgroup category Military [Editors asked to check categories]
 Subgroup categories:  Emergency management, Chemical Engineering and Infectious Disease
 Talk Archive none  English language variant American English

Process safety management (United States)

I'm expanding this from a definition, as it complements Milt's article on Process safety management (United States). While his article is from the perspective of a civilian environmental agency, TIM is originally a military term that is present in a number of national-level emergency management policies. Howard C. Berkowitz 15:45, 28 June 2010 (UTC)