User:Aleta Curry/dogs

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The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.

I'm going to use this space to list and, eventually, organize my thoughts on dog topics.

Feel free to have a look, drop a line/addition/suggestion on the TALK page.

Dog Topics

Dog Breeds

Dog groups

kennel club groups
informal groups

Dog breeds

Well, obviously we don't want to list all 800!

Dogs in History

Dogs in popular culture



○ Albert Payson Terhune
○ Written works
○ Lad, a Dog, Terhune
○ Lassie Come Home


Dog Artists

○ Sir Edwin Henry Landseer

○ Maud Earl

○ John Emms

○ Arthur Wardle

○ Sartorius

○ Osbourne

Dog Drawings, paintings and sculptures

○ Monarch of the Glen, Landseer ○ The Totteridge XI, Wardle ○ Trial by Jury (“Laying Down the Law”), Landseer? ○ (“Dogs Playing Poker”), Cassius Marcellus Coolidge ○ Looks Like Four of a Kind, Coolidge


○ Snoopy, Charles Schulz (United Features Syndicate)

Dog Films

(here we go!) ○ Lassie series ○ Strongheart series ○ Rin Tin Tin series ○ Benji series

Dog TV

(groan!) ○ Goofy ○ Auggie Doggie and Doggie Daddy (hanna-Barbera) ○ Dastardly and Mutley ○ The Littlest Hobo ○ Inspector Rex ○ Droopy Dog (MFM)


• Veterinary Science • Dog breeding • Pet shops, grooming

Dogs at worK

○ Police, military canine units ○ Search and resuc ○ Detection ‘sniffer dogs’ • Hobbies: • Dog breeding • Dog showing ○ Conformation ○ Dog field trials ○ Dog dancing ○ Obedience ○ Agility •

Dogs (photos)

I have some photos of Scottish terriers available CCPL (cc-by-sa) if you need them.

Also some border collie photos (a few not yet uploaded) and, for what its worth, alpacas and Highland cattle.

Is there some place where links to such photos are listed for possible future use?

James F. Perry 08:25, 6 August 2007 (CDT)