Wind/Related Articles

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A list of Citizendium articles, and planned articles, about Wind.
See also changes related to Wind, or pages that link to Wind or to this page or whose text contains "Wind".

Parent topics


  • Meteorology [r]: The interdisciplinary scientific study of the processes and phenomena of the atmosphere, including weather studies and forecasting [e]
  • Engineering [r]: a branch of engineering that uses chemistry, biology, physics, and math to solve problems involving fuel, drugs, food, and many other products. [e]

Other related topics

  • Air pollution dispersion modeling [r]: Describes the basic mathematical simulation (i.e., modeling) of how buoyant air pollutants disperse in the atmosphere. [e]
  • Air pollution dispersion terminology [r]: Describes and explains the words and technical terms that have a special meaning to workers in the field of air pollution dispersion modeling. [e]
  • Climate [r]: The overall weather pattern for an extended period for any defined geographical location which may be over any size of area up to and including the entire Earth. [e]
  • Sailing [r]: Craft propulsion by means of the wind acting upon a hoisted sail. [e]
  • Wind turbine [r]: A rotating machine that converts the kinetic energy in wind into mechanical energy. [e]